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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Edit hair curves

Modifying hair

Make hair collide
Braid hair
can either braid individual follicles or all of them. Since the Braid attribute
is in the follicleShape node, follicles must be selected.
braid hair
- Select
the desired follicles. See
Select hair, follicles, curves, and CVs.
- Do
one of the following:
- If
you are braiding individual follicles, select the follicle(s) and
in the Channel Box, set the Braid attribute
to on. Alternatively, paint the Braid attribute
on the desired follicles. (See
Hair > Paint Hair Follicles.)
- If
you are braiding the entire head of hair, then select all the follicles
Select hair, follicles, curves, and CVs)
and change the Braid setting to “on” in the Channel
Box. This affects all the selected follicles. (If you
don’t see Braid in the Channel
Box, then in Outliner
+ click
a follicle and then
+ click
- For
realistic looking braids, adjust the settings for the other Render Attributes.
For more detailed information and workflow suggestions
for braiding hair, see
Create ponytails and braids.