Change dynamic fluid behavior

You can create a dynamic fluid simulation by applying forces to the fluid. You can use forces that are built into the fluid (most efficient method), or external forces (fields).

Using forces built into the fluid

Using the forces built into the fluid is an efficient way to modify the way dynamic fluids move. Because they are built into the fluid, they compute more quickly than forces applied externally.

Density and Velocity must be set to Dynamic Grid to use the internal forces.

You can modify Gravity and Friction forces acting on the fluid in the Dynamic Simulation section of the fluidShape Attribute Editor.

Density and Temperature both have Buoyancy attributes you can modify in the Contents Details section of the Attribute Editor.

In the Contents Details section you can also add Turbulence, and Velocity swirl and damping.

Using fluid Velocity as a force

Velocity can be used as a force to move values around in the dynamic grid. The velocity Swirl attribute built into the fluid is particularly useful for creating swirl motion in small grids.

Using external forces (fields)

Dynamic fields (in the Fields menu) affect fluid motion. Using the Gravity and Turbulence forces built into the fluid is more efficient than using external forces, but using external forces gives you control over the origin of the forces.

To connect external fields to a fluid

  1. Select the fluid container.
  2. Select Fields > fieldname.
  3. Play the simulation.