Both conversion operations (NURBS to Subdiv and Polygons to Subdiv) have the same options in the options window.
Set the maximum number of faces the original surface can have to successfully convert it to a subdivision surface.
For example, if the original surface has 900 faces and the Maximum Base Mesh Faces value is 1000, the conversion will succeed, but if the surface has 1200 faces, the conversion will fail.
Depending on the complexity of the original object, the resulting surface may be represented with fewer faces.
` (left single quote beside the 1 key) |
Turns on/off the display of the original surface or the converted subdiv surface. |
Displays both the original surface and the converted subdiv surface. |
If a NURBS surface is selected: Modify > Convert > NURBS to Subdiv If a polygonal surface is selected: Modify > Convert > Polygons to Subdiv |
If a NURBS surface is
Modify > Convert
> NURBS to Subdiv > If a polygonal surface
is selected:
Modify > Convert
> Polygons to Subdiv > |
Page Up |
Increases the Display Level of the subdiv surface (when in subdivision surface standard mode). |
Page Down |
Decreases the Display Level of the subdiv surface (when in subdivision surface standard mode). |