MayaToAlias export plug-in

MayaToAlias is a Maya plug-in for Windows® 32-bit that uses OpenMaya API to get the scene information from Maya, and then exports it using OpenModel to one of the following, depending on which export file format is chosen:

MayaToAlias exports the following from Maya to wire files:

MayaToAlias exports the following from Maya to IGES format:

MayaToAlias exports the following from Maya to DXF format:

To load the MayaToAlias plug-in

  1. Open Maya and select Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager.
  2. Click the loaded check box for the MayaToAlias plug-in.

    Now you can export Maya content to wire, IGES, or DXF format through the usual export mechanism.

To export a Maya file to FBX, IGES, or DXF

  1. Select File > Export All or File > Export Selection.
  2. Select a file name and file type, and then click Export All or Export Selection.

    FBX, IGESexport, and DXF_FBX are three of the options in the File Type pull-down menu.
