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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Update fur maps

Creating and modifying fur

Make fur clump together
Remove maps from fur attributes
To restore the fur attributes settings to the
values defined for the fur description, you can break the connection
to the attribute if it was baked or you can remove the maps from
the attribute.
break the connection to a baked attribute
- In the Rendering menu
set select
Fur > Edit Fur Description > FurDescriptionName,
where FurDescriptionName is the name
of the fur description you want to edit.
- Right-click the baked attribute and select Break
Connection from the pop-up menu. This disconnects the
map from the attribute.
- Click the Bake button
to bake the attribute without the map.
To remove maps from an attribute
- In the Rendering menu
set select
Fur > Edit Fur Description > FurDescriptionName,
where FurDescriptionName is the name
of the fur description you want to edit.
- In the Details section,
go to the attribute you want to remove the maps from.
- Go to Maps.
- Select the map you want to remove.
- Click Remove Item.