MPxPolyTrg Class Reference
[OpenMaya - API module for common classesProxy classes]

#include <MPxPolyTrg.h>

Inheritance diagram for MPxPolyTrg:
Collaboration diagram for MPxPolyTrg:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

User defined poly triangulation support.

MPxPolyTrg is the the parent class for nodes which define a custom face triangulation for meshes. In order to override default maya triangulation, the user has to do the following things:

Once the node is defined, the user has to inform the mesh about it. For each mesh the user wants to override the default triangulation, he has to set the usertTrg attribute on the mesh to the name under which the function has been registered.

Example: /code setAttr mesh.userTrg -type "string" "triangulate"; /endcode

Once that attribute is set, the default maya triangulation is turned off and the one provided by the user is used to draw the mesh.


Public Types

typedef void(* polyTrgFnct )(const float *vert, const float *norm, const int *loopSizes, const int nbLoop, const int nbTrg, unsigned short *trg)
 Pointer to a function which triangulates a poly face.

Public Member Functions

 MPxPolyTrg ()
virtual ~MPxPolyTrg ()
virtual void postConstructor ()
virtual MStatus compute (const MPlug &plug, MDataBlock &dataBlock)
virtual bool isAbstractClass () const
MStatus registerTrgFunction (char *name, polyTrgFnct f)
MStatus unregisterTrgFunction (char *name)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MPxPolyTrg::MPxPolyTrg (  ) 


The constructor should never call any methods from MPxPolyTrg or make any calls that require the existence of the MObject associated with the user defined node. The postConstructor method should be used to do any initialization of this kind.

MPxPolyTrg::~MPxPolyTrg (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void MPxPolyTrg::postConstructor (  )  [virtual]

Post constructor.

Internally maya creates two objects when a user defined node is created, the internal MObject and the user derived object. The association between the these two objects is not made until after the MPxPolyTrg constructor is called. This implies that no MPxPolyTrg member function can be called from the MPxPolyTrg constructor. The postConstructor will get called immediately after the constructor when it is safe to call any MPxPolyTrg member function.

Reimplemented from MPxNode.


MStatus MPxPolyTrg::compute ( const MPlug plug,
MDataBlock block 
) [virtual]

This method should be overridden in user defined nodes. However, fror this particaular node we don't need to to do anything in the compute functione. Therefore, all we do is return MS:kSuccess in the derive class.

[in] plug plug representing the attribute that needs to be recomputed
[in] block data block containing storage for the node's attributes
Status code
Status Codes:

Reimplemented from MPxNode.


bool MPxPolyTrg::isAbstractClass (  )  const [virtual]

Each new node has to implement that fuction. It returns false since this is not an abstract class.


Reimplemented from MPxNode.


MStatus MPxPolyTrg::registerTrgFunction ( char *  functName,
polyTrgFnct  funct 

Register a triangulation function with maya. The name provided as a first argument is the name under which the function is registered. This name has to be used when setting 'userTrg' attribute on a mesh.

[in] functName Function name under which the function is register with maya.
[in] funct Pointer to the static function which implement a face triangulation.
Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MPxPolyTrg::unregisterTrgFunction ( char *  functName  ) 

[in] functName Function name under which the function is register with maya.
Status code
Status Codes:

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