
A common use of particles systems is to create a particle system that emulates flowing materials ranging from thick viscus fluids such as oil to fast moving liquids such as water. Using Liquid Simulation attributes, you can add properties to your nParticle objects to make them look and behave like a flowing liquid. Liquid Simulation attributes allow you to create simulations, such as flowing lava, droplets of liquids, and splashes of water.

When creating a liquid simulation, it is often best to start with a small nParticle system (small particle count) and set the attributes that control the behavior of the particle flow. You can then increase the density of the particle system and edit the attributes that give the nParticles the appearance of water.

Throughout these lessons, you will experiment with Liquid Simulation attributes to create an nParticle system with the characteristics of water, including the following:

In this tutorial you learn how to: