In addition to the Setup control panel, review these other settings in Maya:
You must set the time unit before you start tracking. To set the Time unit, select Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences, in the Settings category.
You should keep at least the Time Slider, Range Slider, and Command Line. All other items can be turned off while working in Live. To do this quickly, select Display > UI Elements > Hide UI Elements, then turn on the Time Slider, Range Slider, and Command Line.
The default is centimeters, but you may want to change it if you have survey data measured in a different unit. However, you can change the unit at any time. Select Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences, in the Settings category.
We recommend using the default (Y up axis), but you can change it if needed. Make sure to change it before you solve. To change the up axis, select Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences, in the Settings category.
The shot camera looks down on the scene (negative Z). This orientation does not affect solutions, but you must rotate the camera to see it face forward.
Planes created for use with constraints (on the Solve Survey control panel) default to an X-Z orientation, which is perpendicular to the perspective view grid (X-Y). Rotate the plane if needed.