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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Modifying a converted polygonal mesh

Lesson 2: Painting in 3D using Paint Effects

Lesson 3: Painting textures on surfaces
Beyond the lesson
In this lesson with Paint Effects,
you learned how to:
- Use
preset brushes from the Shelf and
the Visor.
- Paint
directly in 3D space onto the ground plane or onto 3D objects.
- Select
and move strokes in the scene.
- Edit
brush and stroke attributes using the Attribute Editor.
- Render
paint strokes.
- Use
the Paint Effects Panel to paint
fully-rendered paint strokes.
- Create
a terrain to paint on using the Sculpt Geometry tool.
- Understand
the structure and archetype for strokes with tubes.
- Use
mesh brush types to paint hard-surface objects.
- Convert
mesh brush strokes to polygonal surfaces.
You can use Paint Effects to
create natural or fantastic scenery, backdrops, and atmospheres. Mesh
Brush types are particularly useful for creating polygonal
trees that appear strikingly convincing, whether they are viewed
close-up or from a distance.
Effects has many other useful techniques not covered
in this lesson. With Paint Effects you can:
- Modify
strokes to share a single brush, make strokes glow, and animate
the movement of strokes.
- Attach
a brush to an existing curve (you don’t need to paint a curve).
- Add
spring-like behavior to strokes with tubes, or you can make the
tubes react to dynamic forces such as wind.
- Create
animated textures; for example, falling rain.
- Paint using a Thin Line brush
type which allows you to render large numbers of fine tubes much
more quickly than the Paint Brush type.
This brush type is useful for painting hair.