Create clips

To create a clip for an animated object

  1. Select the animated (keyframe or motion capture) objects whose animation curves you want to put in a clip.
  2. In the Trax Editor, select Create > Animation Clip > .

    The Create Clip Options window appears. See Animate > Create Clip.

  3. Set the options and click Create Clip.

    A clip is created for the selected objects animation channels and Maya automatically creates a new character set to house the clip in Trax.

To create a clip for a character

  1. Select the character set you want to create a clip for from the scene view or from the Current Character Set drop-down list.
  2. In the Trax Editor, select Create > Animation Clip > .

    The Create Clip Options window appears. See Animate > Create Clip.

  3. Set the options.
  4. Do one of the following:

    Maya creates a clip for the selected character’s animation channels and places it under the character in the track view area.

    An instance of the clip you selected appears at the current time under the character in the track view area.

    An instance of the source clip you selected appears at the current time under its character in the track view area.