Normalize curves

To normalize your animation curves

  1. Select the animated objects whose curves you want to normalize.
  2. Open the Graph Editor.

    The Graph Editor appears with all the animation curves for the selected objects displayed in the curve view.

  3. Do one of the following:

    All the curves currently displayed in the Graph Editor’s graph view are scaled to fit within a range of -1 to 1. Only the displayed curves are scaled, not the underlying animation.

To turn off curve normalization

  1. Select the animated objects whose curves you want to revert back to their non-normalized states.
  2. Open the Graph Editor.
  3. The Graph Editor appears with all the animation curves for the selected objects displayed in the curve view.
  4. In the Graph Editor Outliner, select the channels for which you want to turn off curve normalization.
  5. Do one of the following:

    All the curves currently displayed in the Graph Editor’s graph view are returned to their original appearance.