Sets the options when creating a fire effect. Here are the options:
Turn this checkbox on to specify your own MEL procedure that creates the colors used for all rocket trails. Leave this checkbox off to use the default color creation procedure. Using your own color creation procedure can save you time editing it later in the Attribute Editor. You cannot change this option after creation.
If you turned on Set Color Creation Proc, this parameter lets you specify a custom MEL procedure name to create a custom trail color palette. Maya looks for the custom procedure by searching your user scripts directory for a MEL script with the same name. You cannot change this option after creation, although you can individually edit the trail colors.
Your procedure should include the following syntax:
global proc vector[] myFireworksColors( int $numColors )
In this syntax, the argument $numColors specifies the total number of colors requested. The return value should be an array of vectors with the new colors in it.
Rocket Sparks creation controls
Sets the number of different colors in your burst sparks palette. The actual number of colors used is set by the Sparks Color Spread option (see Sparks Color Spread for details). By default, the burst sparks palette colors are chosen in consecutive order around the color wheel. You can change the colors used, but you cannot change the number of colors available after the firework is created.