You can create pre-defined 3D geometric shapes called primitives in Maya. Primitives can be used as-is or as a starting point for 3D modeling.
There are three main ways to create NURBS primitives:
Create NURBS primitives using the Create menu
To create NURBS primitives using the Create menu
When you select the beside
the primitive, its associated options window appears.
For example, you can set attributes that specify the size and scale, how the primitive is subdivided, and so on.
For more information on primitive options, see Create > NURBS Primitives.
The primitive object appears at the origin of the scene view.
Create NURBS primitives using the Shelf
You can create NURBS primitives using the Shelf. The Shelf provides easily-selectable primitive icons. You can also set a primitive’s options and then save a custom version of a primitive to the Shelf for future use. For more information see Add a tool, action, or Maya script to a shelf.
To create NURBS primitives using the Shelf
The primitive object appears at the origin of the scene view.
Create a NURBS primitive interactively
Using your mouse, you can create, position, and scale primitives, without having to use transformation tools. Select Create > NURBS Primitives > Interactive Creation. This option stays on until you turn it off. If you want to create multiple primitives interactively, turn off Create > NURBS Primitives > Exit on Completion.
As well, you can create a NURBS primitive with just a single click.
Options can be set for single-click and
click-drag NURBS creation, using the NURBS Tool settings (
Create > Polygon Primitives > Shape > ).
To interactively create NURBS primitives using your mouse
If you want to change the settings that the
polygon primitive is created with, such as Axis or Number
of Spans, select
Create > NURBS Primitives > Shape > .
Holding down the Shift and Control keys during primitive creation has the following effects:
To create a NURBS primitive with a single click using the options you select
If you want to change the settings that the
NURBS primitive is created with, such as Axis or Number
of Spans, select
Create > NURBS Primitives > Shape > .
There are specific Single-click settings for primitive creation.
To create multiple NURBS primitives interactively or with a single click
As well, during interactive primitive creation, you can snap the polygon to existing objects in the scene. You have the following options (click the icon in the Status line or press the hotkey). Snap to:
These snap options allow you, during the creation of your primitive, to snap to a projected point on the line or plane defined by any other object in your scene.
For more information, see Snap to the grid, a curve, points, or a view plane and Snap all creation tools to a surface or construction plane.