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Split polygon faces
Split polygon components
Split a face so that a vertex is added at its center
Split multiple polygon faces
can split multiple polygon faces in one operation using the Cut
Faces Tool (Edit Mesh > Cut Faces
Tool). The tool can also split polygons across multiple
polygon meshes in one operation.
Using the Cut Faces Tool you
- Add
edges where you want more bend in the surface, such as a character’s elbow
or knee.
- Slice
and delete a portion of model—this operation is like a Boolean subtraction.
- Prepare
a model for mirroring by slicing away a portion to create a clean edge
along the mirror axis.
To cut
faces along a line you draw
- Select
a mesh or faces and choose
Edit Mesh > Cut Faces Tool >
- Ensure
the Cut direction is set to Interactive.
- You
can turn on Delete cut faces to delete
the faces on one side of the cut, or Extract cut faces to
disconnect the cut faces along the cut edges.
- Drag
a line in a view window to define the cutting plane.
When the Delete cut faces option
is on, a dotted line shows which side will be deleted.
- Do
one of the following:
- Draw
another line to cut the faces again.
- Select
another tool.
Once you have cut the faces, you can select
the polyCut node and click the Show Manipulator tool
to further modify your work.
cut faces along a defined plane
- Select
a mesh or faces and choose
Edit Mesh > Cut Faces Tool >
- Choose
a plane from the Cut direction settings.
- Click Enter
Cut Tool And Close.