Scale nCache clips

You can scale nCache clips to speed up or slow down your object’s cached simulation.

Scaling down (<100% of the original cache clip length) a cache clip compresses the simulation in the cache clip so that the resulting simulation appears faster or sped up. Scaling up (>100% original cache clip length) a cache clip stretches the cache clip’s simulation so that the resulting simulation appears to be slower.

To scale nCache clips

  1. In the scene view, select the object whose cache clip you want to scale.
  2. In the Trax Editor, select List > Load Selected Characters.

    All the current object’s caches appear as clips in the track view.

  3. Select the nCache clip you want to scale.
  4. Do one of the following:

    See Scale.

To scale multiple nCache clips at a time

  1. In the scene view, select the object whose cache clips you want to scale.
  2. In the Trax Editor, select List > Load Selected Characters.

    All the current object’s caches appear as clips in the track view.

  3. -select the nCache clips you want to scale.

    The cache clip manipulator appears.

  4. Drag the scale handles to the left or right to scale all the selected nCache clips at the same time.

To scale all of an object’s cache clips

  1. In the scene view, select the object whose cache clips you want to scale.
  2. In the Trax Editor, select List > Load Selected Characters.

    All the current object’s caches appear as clips in the track view.

  3. Drag the left or right sides of the summary cache clip to scale all the selected object’s cache clips.