Label a skeleton’s joints

There are three ways in which you can label the joints of your skeleton:

Automatically label a skeleton’s joints

To automatically label the joints of your skeleton’s limbs

For the limbs of your source and target skeletons, do the following:

  1. Select Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Show All Labels.

    Joints labels will now appear in the scene view. See Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Show All Labels.

  2. Select Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Add Retargeting Labels.

    The Retargeting Joint Labelling menu appears. See Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Add Retargeting Labels.

  3. Tear off the Retargeting Joint Labelling menu.
  4. In the scene view, select the parent or top joint of each limb (joint chain) in your skeleton and do the following:
    • Click a side label (Label Center, Label Left, Label Right) in the Joint Labelling menu.
    • Click a type label (Label Arm or Label Leg) in the Joint Labelling menu.

    Each joint, from the selected parent down its joint chain’s hierarchy, is automatically labeled according to their positions in their respective joint chain.

    For example, if you select the left shoulder joint of a skeleton and click Label Left and then Label Arm in the Joint Labelling menu, then that joint will be labelled as Shoulder(L), the next joint in the chain will be automatically labeled as Elbow(L), and the next joint will be labeled as Hand(L) and so on.

    NoteFor arms, the forearm joint is labelled as an elbow joint. For legs, the ankle joint is labelled as a foot joint.
  5. If you want to adjust or change the labels of your joints, see Label using Retargeting Joint Labelling or Adjusting joint labels.

For your source and target skeletons, do the following:

Label using Retargeting Joint Labelling

To label your character’s joints using the Retargeting Joint Labelling menu

  1. Select Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Show All Labels.

    Joints labels will now appear in the scene view. See Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Show All Labels.

  2. Select Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Add Retargeting Labels.

    The Retargeting Joint Labelling menu appears. See Skeleton > Joint Labelling > Add Retargeting Labels.

  3. Tear-off the Retargeting Joint Labelling menu.
  4. In the scene view, select a joint and do the following:
    • Click a side label (Label Center, Label Left, Label Right) in the Joint Labelling menu. Joint types such as Head or Spine do not require a type label.
    • Click a type label (Label Shoulder, Label Hip, Label Head, Label Spine and so on) in the Joint Labelling menu.

    The side and type labels appear beside the current joint. For example, if you selected Label Right as the side label and Label Knee as the type label, then the label Knee(R) will appear beside the joint in the scene view.

  5. Repeat step 4 for the rest of the joints you want to label.

Adjusting joint labels

To set or adjust individual joint labels from the Attribute Editor

  1. Select the joint in your source or target skeleton whose labelling you want to change and open the Attribute Editor.
  2. In the Joint section of your joint node’s tab, expand Joint Mapping.

    The Side and Type drop-down menus appear.

  3. Set or change the joint’s Side and Type labels as desired.