Specifies playback range’s start and end times. The playback start and end times specify the Time Slider’s playback range. The playback range is always within the animation range. You can also specify the time units. See Edit animation preferences.
Specifies animation range’s start and end times. The animation start and end times specify the Range Slider’s range. The playback range always stays within the animation range, so changing the animation start and end times can also change the playback start and end times. Default animation start time is 0.00. Default animation end time is 40.00. You can also specify the time units. See Edit animation preferences.
Specifies the Time Slider’s height (the vertical space it occupies). Increasing the height is especially useful when you are working with sound. Double or quadruple the height for a better display of sound waveforms. Click 1x (normal height), 2x (double height), or 4x (quadruple height). Default is 1x.
Key ticks
Specifies how the line markers that indicate keys appear on the Time Slider. Click None, Active, or Channel Box. Default is Active.
Update view
If your workspace layout includes several views (for example, selected from Panels > Layouts), you can improve performance by having the scene play in only the currently active view. Click Active or All. Default is Active.
Specifies what happens when the scene plays forward and then reaches the playback end time (or if playing backwards, the playback start time). Click Once, Oscillate, or Continuous. Default is Continuous.
Playback speed
Specifies the speed at which your scene plays. Select Play Every Frame, Real-time (24 fps), Half (12 fps), Twice (48 fps), or Other. Default is Play Every Frame.
You can also specify the playback time units. See Edit animation preferences.
When selected, all the frames in your scene play, updating each before displaying the next. The speed depends on how long it takes your workstation to compute and draw each frame. You can specify the playback frame increment in the Playback by field. For example, a Playback value of 2.0 will cause only every other frame to play.
Max Playback Speed
Max Playback Speed clamps the playback speed of your scene’s animation by specifing the speed that your scene’s animation playback is not allowed to exceed. This is useful when working with scenes that have fluctuating levels of heavy CPU activity, such as a scene with a complex particle effect.