KFbxConstraintAim Class Reference

#include <kfbxconstraintaim.h>

Inherits KFbxConstraint.

Inheritance diagram for KFbxConstraintAim:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

This constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of an aim constraint.

A aim constraint lets you constrain an object based on the properties of one or more aim objects.

Definition at line 64 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

Public Types

enum  EAimConstraintWoldUpType

Public Member Functions

void SetLock (bool pLock)
 Set the constraint lock.
bool GetLock ()
 Retrieve the constraint lock state.
void SetActive (bool pActive)
 Set the constraint active.
bool GetActive ()
 Retrieve the constraint active state.
void SetWeight (double pWeight)
 Set the weight of the constraint.
virtual void SetOffset (KFbxVector4 pRotation)
 Set the rotation offset.
KFbxVector4 GetOffset ()
 Retrieve the constraint rotation offset.
double GetSourceWeight (KFbxObject *pObject)
 Get the weight of a source.
void AddConstraintSource (KFbxObject *pObject, double pWeight=100)
 Add a source to the constraint.
int GetConstraintSourceCount ()
 Retrieve the constraint source count.
KFbxObjectGetConstraintSource (int pIndex)
 Retrieve a constraint source object.
void SetConstrainedObject (KFbxObject *pObject)
 Set the constrainted object.
KFbxObjectGetConstrainedObject ()
 Retrieve the constrainted object.
void SetWorldUpType (EAimConstraintWoldUpType pType)
 Set the world up type.
EAimConstraintWoldUpType GetWorldUpType ()
 Retrieve the world up type.
void SetWorldUpObject (KFbxObject *pObject)
 Set the world up object.
KFbxObjectGetWorldUpObject ()
 Retrieve the world up object.
void SetWorldUpVector (KFbxVector4 pVector)
 Set the world up vector.
KFbxVector4 GetWorldUpVector ()
 Retrieve the world up vector.
void SetUpVector (KFbxVector4 pVector)
 Set the up vector.
KFbxVector4 GetUpVector ()
 Retrieve the up vector.
void SetAimVector (KFbxVector4 pVector)
 Set the aim vector.
KFbxVector4 GetAimVector ()
 Retrieve the aim vector.
void SetAffectX (bool pAffect)
 Set the constraint X-axe effectiveness.
bool GetAffectX ()
 Retrieve the constraint X-axe effectiveness.
void SetAffectY (bool pAffect)
 Set the constraint Y-axe effectiveness.
bool GetAffectY ()
 Retrieve the constraint Y-axe effectiveness.
void SetAffectZ (bool pAffect)
 Set the constraint Z-axe effectiveness.
bool GetAffectZ ()
 Retrieve the constraint Z-axe effectiveness.

Member Function Documentation

void SetLock ( bool  pLock  )  [inline]

Set the constraint lock.

pLock State of the lock flag.

Definition at line 107 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

bool GetLock (  )  [inline]

Retrieve the constraint lock state.

Current lock flag.

Definition at line 112 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

void SetActive ( bool  pActive  )  [inline]

Set the constraint active.

pLock State of the active flag.

Definition at line 117 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

bool GetActive (  )  [inline]

Retrieve the constraint active state.

Current active flag.

Definition at line 122 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

void SetWeight ( double  pWeight  ) 

Set the weight of the constraint.

New weight value.

virtual void SetOffset ( KFbxVector4  pRotation  )  [virtual]

Set the rotation offset.

New offset vector.

Reimplemented from KFbxConstraint.

KFbxVector4 GetOffset (  ) 

Retrieve the constraint rotation offset.

Current rotation offset.

double GetSourceWeight ( KFbxObject pObject  ) 

Get the weight of a source.

Index of the source.

void AddConstraintSource ( KFbxObject pObject,
double  pWeight = 100 

Add a source to the constraint.

New source object.
Weight of the source object.

int GetConstraintSourceCount (  ) 

Retrieve the constraint source count.

Current constraint source count.

KFbxObject* GetConstraintSource ( int  pIndex  ) 

Retrieve a constraint source object.

Current source at the specified index.

void SetConstrainedObject ( KFbxObject pObject  ) 

Set the constrainted object.

The constrained object.

KFbxObject* GetConstrainedObject (  ) 

Retrieve the constrainted object.

Current constrained object.

void SetWorldUpType ( EAimConstraintWoldUpType  pType  ) 

Set the world up type.

The world up type.

EAimConstraintWoldUpType GetWorldUpType (  ) 

Retrieve the world up type.

Current world up type.

void SetWorldUpObject ( KFbxObject pObject  ) 

Set the world up object.

The world up object.

KFbxObject* GetWorldUpObject (  ) 

Retrieve the world up object.

Current world up object.

void SetWorldUpVector ( KFbxVector4  pVector  ) 

Set the world up vector.

The world up vector.

KFbxVector4 GetWorldUpVector (  ) 

Retrieve the world up vector.

Current world up vector.

void SetUpVector ( KFbxVector4  pVector  ) 

Set the up vector.

The up vector.

KFbxVector4 GetUpVector (  ) 

Retrieve the up vector.

Current up vector.

void SetAimVector ( KFbxVector4  pVector  ) 

Set the aim vector.

The up vector.

KFbxVector4 GetAimVector (  ) 

Retrieve the aim vector.

Current up vector.

void SetAffectX ( bool  pAffect  )  [inline]

Set the constraint X-axe effectiveness.

pAffect State of the effectivness on the X axe.

Definition at line 223 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

bool GetAffectX (  )  [inline]

Retrieve the constraint X-axe effectiveness.

Current state flag.

Definition at line 228 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

void SetAffectY ( bool  pAffect  )  [inline]

Set the constraint Y-axe effectiveness.

pAffect State of the effectivness on the X axe.

Definition at line 233 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

bool GetAffectY (  )  [inline]

Retrieve the constraint Y-axe effectiveness.

Current state flag.

Definition at line 238 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

void SetAffectZ ( bool  pAffect  )  [inline]

Set the constraint Z-axe effectiveness.

pAffect State of the effectivness on the X axe.

Definition at line 243 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.

bool GetAffectZ (  )  [inline]

Retrieve the constraint Z-axe effectiveness.

Current state flag.

Definition at line 248 of file kfbxconstraintaim.h.