FBX SDK features

Scene elements supported

The FBX SDK lets you access, create, or modify the following elements of a scene:

In addition, the FBX SDK provides tools to:

File formats imported and exported

FBX SDK 2009.1 imports and exports FBX files compatible with the following:

FBX SDKVersion 6.0 and later.
MotionBuilderVersion 5.5 and later.
FBX Plug-in for 3ds MaxAll versions.
FBX Plug-in for MayaAll versions.
FlameVersion 8.0 and later.
FlintVersion 8.0 and later.
InfernoVersion 5.0 and later.
SmokeVersion 6.0 and later.
RevitVersion 2009.1 and later.

As well, FBX SDK 2009.1 imports and exports files in the following file formats:

File formatVersion
Autodesk AutoCAD DXF (.dxf)Version 13 and earlier.
Collada DAE (.dae)Version 1.4 (under development).
3D Studio 3DS (.3ds)All versions.
Alias OBJ (.obj)All versions.

Texture file formats embedded or referenced

FBX SDK allows you to embed texture files in any 2D file format into an FBX file. This means that you can deliver a scene as a single file.

Alternately, you can embed relative references to texture files, and then deliver the texture files along with the FBX file.

Sample programs and tutorials

The\examplesdirectory of the FBX SDK distribution contains a library of sample programs. For more information, including a brief description of each sample program, seeSample programs.

For three of these sample programs, this documentation contains a tutorial based on the program:

Sample programTutorial
ImportExportTutorial 1: Importing, Converting, Exporting a File.Shows how to import a file and how to export a file.Builds and runs on Windows only.
SceneTreeViewTutorial 2: Traversing the scene graph.Shows how to traverse all the nodes in an FBX scene, and how to determine the content of each node, i.e., whether a node contains a camera, a light, a mesh, etc.Builds and runs on Windows only.
CubeCreatorTutorial 3: Adding Textures, Materials, and Animation.Shows how to add textures, materials, and animation to meshes representing a model.Builds and runs on Windows only.