What's in an FBX file

FBX files are normally saved in a binary format, but they can also be saved in an ASCII format. Here are the first few lines of a small ASCII-format FBX file:

; FBX ...
; Copyright (C) 1997-2008 ...
; All rights reserved.
; ----------------------------------------------------
FBXHeaderExtension: {
 FBXHeaderVersion: 1003
 FBXVersion: 6000
 CurrentCameraResolution: {
 CameraName: "Model::Producer Perspective"
 CameraResolutionMode: "Window Size"
 CameraResolutionW: 1
 CameraResolutionH: 1
 CreationTimeStamp: {
;Object definitions
Definitions: {
 Count: 2
 ObjectType: "Model" {
 Count: 2

Both kinds of FBX files use the .fbx filename extension. You can convert FBX files from binary to ASCII using FBX SDK, or you can use a utility program: seeFBX Converter.

One way to get a feel for FBX is to view and a small FBX file in a 3D viewer, study the file in a text editor, and study the program that created the file or that processes it in some way.

NoteAll sample programs (seeSample programs) can import or export FBX files in ASCII format.