Creating an empty scene

Asceneis a container for 3D objects such as models (e.g., meshes), cameras, lights, etc. One FBX file contains only one scene.

The 3D objects in a scene are stored as nodes in ascene graph. For FBX, the scene graph is actually atree(i.e., anode hierarchy). Each node has anode attributethat determines whether the node contains a mesh, a camera, a light, etc. For more detail on scenes, nodes, node attributes, etc., seeTutorial 2: Traversing the scene graph.

Before you can import an FBX file, you must create a scene object to hold the scene stored in the FBX file (or the DAE file, or the 3DS file, etc.):

 // Create the scene object. The scene will hold the data
 // in the file to be imported.
 pScene = KFbxScene::Create(pSdkManager,"");