Here is a diagram showing an extremely simple scene containing a camera, a light, a ball, a hoop, and a stick figure of a basketball player. A tree must have a root node, which is an anchor point for the scene. It never represents anything “real” in the scene:
GetRootNode()which returns a reference to the root node ofgScene, a global Scene object:
In FBX, a scene has exactly one root node. KFbxScene has a function called// to get the root node
const KFbxNode* GetRootNode()
return gScene->GetRootNode();
Here is the diagram showing the scene object, the root node, and the other nodes. We’ve simplified the diagram by eliminating the player nodes:
Scene objects are instances of Class KFbxScene. Node objects are instances of Class KFbxNode.
So if you want, for example, to apply a global translation to all objects in the scene: create a second root node (named RootNodeGlobals, let’s say) below RootNode and above the BallNode, HoopNode, etc.; apply the translation to RootNodeGlobals.
RootNodeGlobals will be saved with the global translation properties.