This is the complete list of members for
KFbxUserNotification, including all inherited members.
AccumulatorClear() | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
AccumulatorInit() | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
AddDetail(int pEntryId) | KFbxUserNotification | |
AddDetail(int pEntryId, KString pString) | KFbxUserNotification | |
AddDetail(int pEntryId, KFbxNode *pNode) | KFbxUserNotification | |
AddEntry(const int pID, const KString&pName, const KString&pDescr, AccumulatorEntry::AEClass pClass=AccumulatorEntry::eAE_WARNING) | KFbxUserNotification | |
ClearAccumulator() | KFbxUserNotification | |
CloseExtraDevices() | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
GetDetail(int pDetailId, const AccumulatorEntry *&pAE) const | KFbxUserNotification | |
GetEntry(int pEntryId) const | KFbxUserNotification | |
GetEntryAt(int pEntryIndex) const | KFbxUserNotification | |
GetLogFileName() | KFbxUserNotification | [inline] |
GetLogFilePath(KString&pPath) | KFbxUserNotification | [virtual] |
GetNbDetails() const | KFbxUserNotification | |
GetNbEntries() const | KFbxUserNotification | |
InitAccumulator() | KFbxUserNotification | |
KFbxUserNotification(KFbxSdkManager *pManager, KString const&pLogFileName, KString const&pSessionDescription) | KFbxUserNotification | |
OpenExtraDevices() | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
Output(OutputSource pOutSrc=eACCUMULATOR_ENTRY, int pIndex=-1, bool pExtraDevicesOnly=false) | KFbxUserNotification | |
Output(const KString&pName, const KString&pDescr, AccumulatorEntry::AEClass pClass, bool pExtraDevicesOnly=false) | KFbxUserNotification | |
Output(KFbxUserNotificationFilteredIterator&pAEFIter, bool pExtraDevicesOnly=false) | KFbxUserNotification | |
OutputById(AEid pId, OutputSource pOutSrc=eACCUMULATOR_ENTRY, bool pExtraDevicesOnly=false) | KFbxUserNotification | |
PostTerminate() | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
ResetAccumulator() | KFbxUserNotification | [protected] |
ResetSequence() | KFbxUserNotification | [protected] |
SendToExtraDevices(bool pOutputNow, KArrayTemplate<AccumulatorEntry *>&pEntries) | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
SendToExtraDevices(bool pOutputNow, KArrayTemplate<AESequence *>&pAESequence) | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
SendToExtraDevices(bool pOutputNow, const AccumulatorEntry *pAccEntry, int pDetailId=-1) | KFbxUserNotification | [protected, virtual] |
SendToLog(OutputSource pOutSrc, int pId) | KFbxUserNotification | [protected] |
SendToLog(const AccumulatorEntry *pAccEntry, int pDetailId=-1) | KFbxUserNotification | [protected] |