
Inheritance diagram for KFbxThumbnail:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Simple class to hold RGBA values of a thumbnail image.

Definition at line54of filekfbxthumbnail.h.

Thumbnail properties

enum EDataFormat
 Data format.More...
enum EImageSize
 Image size.More...
KFbxTypedProperty<fbxInteger1> CustomHeight
 Pixel height of the thumbnail image.
KFbxTypedProperty<fbxInteger1> CustomWidth
 Pixel width of the thumbnail image.
void SetDataFormat(EDataFormatpDataFormat)
 Set the data format.
EDataFormat GetDataFormat() const
 Get the data format.
void SetSize(EImageSizepImageSize)
 Set the thumbnail dimensions.
EImageSize GetSize() const
 Get the thumbnail dimensions.
unsigned long GetSizeInBytes() const
 Get the thumbnail dimensions in bytes.

Thumbnail data access

bool SetThumbnailImage(const kUByte *pImage)
 Fill the thumbnail image.
kUByte * GetThumbnailImage() const
 Get the thumbnail image.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Data format.

  • eRGB_24
  • eRGBA_32

Definition at line75of filekfbxthumbnail.h.

Image size.

  • eNOT_SET
  • e64x64
  • e128x128

Definition at line98of filekfbxthumbnail.h.

Member Function Documentation

void SetDataFormat(EDataFormat pDataFormat ) 

Set the data format.

pDataFormat Data format identifier.

EDataFormatGetDataFormat( ) const

Get the data format.

Data format identifier for the thumbnail.

void SetSize(EImageSize pImageSize ) 

Set the thumbnail dimensions.

pImageSize Image size identifier.

EImageSizeGetSize( ) const

Get the thumbnail dimensions.

Image size identifier.

unsigned long GetSizeInBytes( ) const

Get the thumbnail dimensions in bytes.

Thumbnail size in bytes.

bool SetThumbnailImage(const kUByte * pImage ) 

Fill the thumbnail image.

pImage Pointer to the image data. A copy of the image data will be made.
This pointer must point to a buffer region that is at least Width * Height * Component count bytes long. This pointer points to the upper left corner of the image.

You must set the data format and the dimensions before calling this function. If the image size is set to eCUSTOM_SIZE the CustomHeight and CustomWidth properties must be set before calling this function.

trueif the thumbnail properties were set before calling this funtion.falseotherwise.

kUByte* GetThumbnailImage( ) const

Get the thumbnail image.

Pointer to the image data, orNULLif the thumbnail is empty.

Member Data Documentation


Pixel height of the thumbnail image.

Definition at line66of filekfbxthumbnail.h.


Pixel width of the thumbnail image.

Definition at line69of filekfbxthumbnail.h.