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Home: FBX SDK Programmers Guide
Managing objects
FBX SDK Architecture
Scene I/O
Scene Graph
The classes that describe the 3D scene are the central part of the FBX SDK. They cover both the static description of the elements of a scene and animation data.
The scene graph is a node hierarchy: each element of the scene is a node in a tree. Each node has:
- A reference to anode attributeobject that contains the content of each node.
- An array oftakesof animation data. Each take of animation data describes modifications to the state of the node over time, e.g., changes to its position and rotation over time.
- A position, expressed in coordinates relative to the node’s parent.
- A rotation, expresses in coordinates relative to the node’s parent.
- A scaling factor relative to the node’s parent.
The header files for these classes are found in the following folders: