The following tables indicate how both Maya and the FBX file format treat cameras.
The following table lists Maya cameras and how the FBX file format treats them on export:
In Maya | Becomes in FBX |
Camera | Camera without interest. |
Camera and Aim | Camera with interest. |
Camera, Aim, and Up | Camera with interest and up vector. |
Angle of View | Field of View FCurve. The view is consistent even though the focal length values change when you import the FBX file into 3ds Max. |
Near/Far clipping planes | Near and Far clipping plane values are supported but not animation. |
The following lists how Maya treats MotionBuilder cameras on import:
In FBX | Becomes in Maya |
Free Camera | Camera |
Camera (With a look-at Target/Interest) | Camera and Aim |
Orthographic Camera | Camera with an orthographic setting. |