Camera support

The following tables indicate how both Maya and the FBX file format treat cameras.

Camera export

The following table lists Maya cameras and how the FBX file format treats them on export:

In Maya Becomes in FBX
Camera Camera without interest.
Camera and Aim Camera with interest.
Camera, Aim, and Up Camera with interest and up vector.
Angle of View Field of View FCurve. The view is consistent even though the focal length values change when you import the FBX file into 3ds Max.
Near/Far clipping planes Near and Far clipping plane values are supported but not animation.
NoteAny animation applied to a Maya camera’s Up node is baked onto the camera’s rotation you import it into Max.

Camera import

The following lists how Maya treats MotionBuilder cameras on import:

In FBX Becomes in Maya
Free Camera Camera
Camera (With a look-at Target/Interest) Camera and Aim
Orthographic Camera Camera with an orthographic setting.