Constant key reducer

Activate the Constant Key Reducer filter to remove redundant keys. Redundant keys are keys that have the same value, which are equivalent to flat horizontal interpolations on a curve. Redundant keys are often a result of a resampled curve.



You can set specific thresholds for each type of transform. T, R, S, and Other. Other includes Morph and custom attribute curves, for example.

Values represent generic units. This is why you may need to modify threshold values in relation to the world scale of your scene, for example with very large or small scale scenes.

If keys are numerically identical, use very small values to ensure that no animation is lost.

If you use this filter to eliminate noise, for example, from motion capture data, then you may need to modify values.

Setting Description
Translation Precision Threshold for Translation curves in generic units.
Rotation Precision Threshold for Rotation curves in generic units.
Scaling Precision Threshold for Scaling curves in generic units.
Other Precision Threshold for other curves in generic units.
Auto tangents only This option ensures that only “auto” key types are filtered. Otherwise, keys with interpolation values greater than a certain threshold may get deleted.

The default values are: