Import > Include > 
File content

Use the File content menu to select how to import the content of your file into the host application. Select from the following three options:


This option adds the content of the FBX file to your scene.

If elements exist in the host application they are duplicated, so use this option to add non-existing elements to your scene.

This is the default setting for the Autodesk Architectural (Revit) preset.

Add and update animation

This option adds new content and updates animation from your file to matching objects in your scene.

For example, if there is animation on any object in the FBX file and the object name is identical to an object in the destination application, that animation is replaced. If the object with the same name does not have animation, the new animation is added

This is the default option for the Media & Entertainment preset.

Update animation

This option adds the content of the FBX file to your scene but only updates existing animation; any objects in the file that are not already in the scene are ignored.