Creating and positioning the camera’s target

CubeCreator points its camera, not at a specific cube, but at a marker in the scene. Markers are normally not visible, i.e., they are not rendered. In this case, the purpose of the marker is to be a target (sometimes called a point of interest) of the camera.

Creating a marker is very similar to creating a camera:

KFbxMarker* myMarker = KFbxMarker::Create(myScene, "");
KFbxNode* myMarkerNode = KFbxNode::Create(myScene, "");

Here we set the marker’s translation, rotation, and scaling (the TRS properties):

// The marker is positioned above the origin.
// There is no rotation
// and no scaling.
myMarkerNode->LclTranslation.Set (KFbxVector4(0.0, 40.0, 0.0));
myMarkerNode->LclRotation.Set (KFbxVector4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
myMarkerNode->LclScaling.Set (KFbxVector4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));

LclTranslation.Set() sets the default position of a node, in this case, the node for the marker. Note that:

Similarly, the rotation and scaling of a node are also defaults and are also relative to the parent node.