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Home: Autodesk FBX SDK Progammer's Guide
FBX SDK features
FBX SDK features
File formats imported and exported
Scene elements supported
FBX SDK lets you access, create, or modify the following elements
of a scene:
- Mesh, NURBS, patch, trimmed NURBS, NURBS
curves (all referred to as geometries).
- Texture mapping over a geometry.
- Material mapping over a geometry.
- Normals, color of vertex, edge visibility,
smoothing groups, and user-defined attributes over a mesh.
- Cluster constraints on the control points
of a geometry.
- Shape constraints on the control points
of a geometry.
- Vertex cache animation on the control
points of a geometry.
- Scene settings that provide Up-Axis (X/Y/Z)
and scene scaling (units).
- Position, Rotation, Scale, Parent, Single
Chain IK, and Aim constraints.
- Multiple cameras. Includes stereo cameras
for 3D.
- Multiple lights and gobos.
- Markers.
- Nulls.
- Skeleton segments (root, limb, and limb
- Animation curves.
- Global camera, light, and time settings.
- Bind pose for a list of nodes (bones
and geometry).
- Rest pose for a list of nodes (bones
and geometry).
In addition, the FBX
SDK provides tools to:
- Manage and evaluate animation data, including
blended animation.
- Triangulate meshes, NURBS, and patches.