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Home: Autodesk FBX SDK Progammer's Guide
Getting child nodes recursively
Traversing the Scene Graph
Getting the properties of a node as a point in space
Most relationships are
You can get from a node a reference to
its parent, as well as to the scene that contains it:
KFbxNode myParentNode = pNode->GetParent();
KFbxScene myScene = pNode->GetScene();
In general, all relationships
in FBX are two-way: if FBX object A has a reference to FBX object
B, then object B will also have a reference to object A. For example:
- A child node “knows” its parent, and
a parent node knows each of its children.
- A node knows its scene, and a scene knows
the root node of the tree that contains all nodes in the scene.
- A node knows its constraints, and a constraint
knows which nodes it constrains.
These two-way relationships
between FBX objects are managed by connections,
an FBX data structure. See Connections.