Creating an empty scene

A scene is a container for 3D scene elements such as meshes, NURBS, cameras, lights, etc. One FBX file must contain one and only one scene. Your FBX application, on the other hand, may contain more than one scene.

The scene elements in an FBX scene are stored in the nodes of a scene graph. For FBX, the scene graph is actually a tree (i.e., a node hierarchy). Each node has a node attribute that determines whether the node contains a mesh, a camera, a light, etc. For more detail on scenes, nodes, node attributes, etc., see Traversing the Scene Graph.

Before you can import an FBX file (or any other file format supported by FBX SDK), you must create a scene object to hold the data stored in the file:

// Create an FBX scene object
KFbxScene* myScene = KFbxScene::Create(mySdkManager, "");