kfbxlayer.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Definition in file kfbxlayer.h.

#include <fbxfilesdk/fbxfilesdk_def.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/components/kbaselib/klib/kstring.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/components/kbaselib/klib/karrayul.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/components/kbaselib/klib/kdebug.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/kfbxmath/kfbxvector2.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/kfbxmath/kfbxvector4.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/kfbxplugins/kfbxcolor.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/kfbxplugins/kfbxdatatypes.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/kfbxplugins/kfbxstream.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/kfbxplugins/kfbxsurfacematerial.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/kfbxplugins/kfbxtexture.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/fbxfilesdk_nsbegin.h>
#include <fbxfilesdk/fbxfilesdk_nsend.h>

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class   KFbxLayerElement
  Base class for elements of layers (KFbxLayer). More...
class   LockAccessStatus
class   KFbxLayerElementArray
  KFbxLayerElementArray is the base class for KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate, it provides lock handling and data array manipulation of the data buffer for KFbxLayerElement. More...
struct   KFbxLayerElementArrayReadLock
class   KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate
  KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate provides data array manipulation of the data buffer for KFbxLayerElement. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementTemplate
  This class complements the KFbxLayerElement class. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementNormal
  Layer element for mapping Normals to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementBinormal
  Layer element for mapping Binormals to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementTangent
  Layer element for mapping Tangents to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementMaterial
  Layer element for mapping Materials to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementMaterial::LayerElementArrayProxy
class   KFbxLayerElementPolygonGroup
  Layer element for grouping related polygons together. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementUV
  Layer element for mapping UVs to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementVertexColor
  Layer element for mapping Vertex Colors to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementUserData
  Layer element for mapping custom user data to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementSmoothing
  Layer element for indicating smoothness of components of a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementCrease
  Layer element for indicating crease of components of a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementHole
  Layer element for indicating hole of polygon of a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementVisibility
  Layer element for indicating if specified components are shown/hidden. More...
class   KFbxLayerElementTexture
  Layer element for mapping Textures to a geometry. More...
class   KFbxLayer
  KFbxLayer class provides a base for the layering mechanism. More...


#define  CREATE_DECLARE(classDesc)
#define  FOR_EACH_TEXTURE(lLayerIndex)   for((lLayerIndex) = 0; (lLayerIndex) < KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTURE_COUNT; (lLayerIndex)++)
  Utility macro for iterating over texture layer elements.
#define  FOR_EACH_NON_TEXTURE(lLayerIndex)   for((lLayerIndex) = 0; (lLayerIndex) < KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_NON_TEXTURE_COUNT; (lLayerIndex)++)
  Utility macro for iterating over non-texture layer elements.
#define  TEXTURE_INDEX(ElementType)   (int(ElementType) - KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTURE_START_INDEX)
  Utility macro for getting texture layer element index by type.
#define  TEXTURE_TYPE(TextureIndex)   (KFbxLayerElement::ELayerElementType((TextureIndex) + KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTURE_START_INDEX))
  Utility macro for getting texture layer element type by index.
#define  NON_TEXTURE_INDEX(ElementType)   (int(ElementType) - KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_NON_TEXTURE_START_INDEX)
  Utility macro for getting non-texture layer element index by type.
#define  NON_TEXTURE_TYPE(Index)   (KFbxLayerElement::ELayerElementType((Index) + KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_NON_TEXTURE_START_INDEX))
  Utility macro for getting non-texture layer element type by index.


typedef class KFBX_DLL
< KFbxTexture * > 


int  RemapIndexArrayTo (KFbxLayerElement *pLayerEl, KFbxLayerElement::EMappingMode pNewMapping, KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate< int > *pIndexArray)
  Remap the index array to a new EMappingMode.
template<class T>
< T > & 
KFbxGetDirectArray (KFbxLayerElementUserData *pLayerElement, int pIndex, bool *pStatus)
  Returns the direct array with the given attribute index.
template<class T>
< T > const & 
KFbxGetDirectArray (KFbxLayerElementUserData const *pLayerElement, int pIndex, bool *pStatus)
  Returns the direct array with the given attribute index.
template<class T>
< T > & 
KFbxGetDirectArray (KFbxLayerElementUserData *pLayerElement, const char *pName, bool *pStatus)
  Returns the direct array with the given attribute name.The template type must match the attribute type with pName.
template<class T>
< T > const & 
KFbxGetDirectArray (KFbxLayerElementUserData const *pLayerElement, const char *pName, bool *pStatus)
  Returns the direct array with the given attribute name.The template type must match the attribute type with pName.


const int  kNoMapping = -1
  Flag to indicate no direct array mapping for an index array element.

Define Documentation

#define CREATE_DECLARE ( classDesc   ) 


    static KFbx##classDesc* Create(KFbxLayerContainer* pOwner, char const *pName);

Definition at line 1330 of file kfbxlayer.h.

#define FOR_EACH_NON_TEXTURE ( lLayerIndex   )     for((lLayerIndex) = 0; (lLayerIndex) < KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_NON_TEXTURE_COUNT; (lLayerIndex)++)

Utility macro for iterating over non-texture layer elements.

Definition at line 2677 of file kfbxlayer.h.

#define FOR_EACH_TEXTURE ( lLayerIndex   )     for((lLayerIndex) = 0; (lLayerIndex) < KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTURE_COUNT; (lLayerIndex)++)

Utility macro for iterating over texture layer elements.

Definition at line 2672 of file kfbxlayer.h.

#define NON_TEXTURE_INDEX ( ElementType   )     (int(ElementType) - KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_NON_TEXTURE_START_INDEX)

Utility macro for getting non-texture layer element index by type.

Definition at line 2692 of file kfbxlayer.h.

#define NON_TEXTURE_TYPE ( Index   )     (KFbxLayerElement::ELayerElementType((Index) + KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_NON_TEXTURE_START_INDEX))

Utility macro for getting non-texture layer element type by index.

Definition at line 2697 of file kfbxlayer.h.

#define TEXTURE_INDEX ( ElementType   )     (int(ElementType) - KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTURE_START_INDEX)

Utility macro for getting texture layer element index by type.

Definition at line 2682 of file kfbxlayer.h.

#define TEXTURE_TYPE ( TextureIndex   )     (KFbxLayerElement::ELayerElementType((TextureIndex) + KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTURE_START_INDEX))

Utility macro for getting texture layer element type by index.

Definition at line 2687 of file kfbxlayer.h.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 2167 of file kfbxlayer.h.

Function Documentation

KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate< T > const & KFbxGetDirectArray ( KFbxLayerElementUserData const *  pLayerElement,
const char *  pName,
bool *  pStatus  
) [inline]

Returns the direct array with the given attribute name.The template type must match the attribute type with pName.

pLayerElement  The layer element whose direct array to return.
pName  The given attribute name.
pStatus  Will be set to false if accessing the direct array encounters an error.
If pStatus receives true, the direct array at the given index is returned. Otherwise the return value is undefined.

Definition at line 1994 of file kfbxlayer.h.

References KFbxLayerElementUserData::GetDirectArrayVoid().

KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate< T > & KFbxGetDirectArray ( KFbxLayerElementUserData pLayerElement,
const char *  pName,
bool *  pStatus  
) [inline]

Returns the direct array with the given attribute name.The template type must match the attribute type with pName.

pLayerElement  The layer element whose direct array to return.
pName  The given attribute name.
pStatus  Will be set to false if accessing the direct array encounters an error.
If pStatus receives true, the direct array at the given index is returned. Otherwise the return value is undefined.

Definition at line 1981 of file kfbxlayer.h.

References KFbxLayerElementUserData::GetDirectArrayVoid().

KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate< T > const & KFbxGetDirectArray ( KFbxLayerElementUserData const *  pLayerElement,
int  pIndex,
bool *  pStatus  
) [inline]

Returns the direct array with the given attribute index.

The template type must match the attribute type at pIndex.

pLayerElement  The layer element whose direct array to return.
pIndex  The direct array index
pStatus  Will be set to false if accessing the direct array encounters an error.
If pStatus receives true, the direct array at the given index is returned. Otherwise the return value is undefined.

Definition at line 1967 of file kfbxlayer.h.

References KFbxLayerElementUserData::GetDirectArrayVoid().

KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate< T > & KFbxGetDirectArray ( KFbxLayerElementUserData pLayerElement,
int  pIndex,
bool *  pStatus  
) [inline]

Returns the direct array with the given attribute index.

The template type must match the attribute type at pIndex.

pLayerElement  The layer element whose direct array to return.
pIndex  The direct array index
pStatus  Will be set to false if accessing the direct array encounters an error.
If pStatus receives true, the direct array at the given index is returned. Otherwise the return value is undefined.

Definition at line 1954 of file kfbxlayer.h.

References KFbxLayerElementUserData::GetDirectArrayVoid().

int RemapIndexArrayTo ( KFbxLayerElement pLayerEl,
KFbxLayerElement::EMappingMode  pNewMapping,
KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate< int > *  pIndexArray  

Remap the index array to a new EMappingMode.

pLayerEl  The layer element to remap
pNewMapping  The new mapping mode
pIndexArray  The index array to modify
return -1 if the layer element is KFbxLayerElement::eDIRECT 0 if layer element or index array is NULL and 1 if the remap is successful

Referenced by KFbxLayerElementTemplate< KFbxSurfaceMaterial * >::RemapIndexTo().

Variable Documentation

const int kNoMapping = -1

Flag to indicate no direct array mapping for an index array element.

Definition at line 1481 of file kfbxlayer.h.