KFbxFileHeaderInfo Class Reference

#include <kfbx.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

FBX header information used at beginning of the FBX file to get or set important values like the file format version number (mFileVersion).

The file version number will be used to select a particular Reader or Writer.

Definition at line 181 of file kfbx.h.

int  mFileVersion
  Read only properties (not used for file write).
bool  mCreationTimeStampPresent
  Indicates whether a creation time stamp is preset.
kLocalTime  mCreationTimeStamp
  Indicates whether the mCreationTimeStamp member variable contains the actual creation time of the file.
KString  mCreator
  Indicates who is the creator of the file Ex: "FBX SDK/FBX Plugins version 2011.2".
bool  mIOPlugin
  Indicates whether the file is created by a genuine Autodesk plug-in or not.
bool  mPLE
  The flag indicates that the header was created by a personal learning edition (PLE) of FBX.

Constructors and Destructor

  KFbxFileHeaderInfo ()
  Default constructor.
virtual  ~KFbxFileHeaderInfo ()

Public Member

virtual void  Reset ()
  Reset values to default.
virtual bool  ReadExtendedHeaderInformation (KFbx *)
  A derived class can override this function to read additional information from the file header.

Public Attributes

KDefaultRenderResolution  mDefaultRenderResolution
  KDefaultRenderResolution to handle default resolution values.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

virtual ~KFbxFileHeaderInfo (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual void Reset (  )  [virtual]

Reset values to default.

virtual bool ReadExtendedHeaderInformation ( KFbx  )  [virtual]

A derived class can override this function to read additional information from the file header.

false in case of failure that should stop loading the file.

Member Data Documentation

KDefaultRenderResolution to handle default resolution values.

Definition at line 210 of file kfbx.h.

Read only properties (not used for file write).

File version ex; 5000, 6000, 6100, 7000, 7099, 7100 the major part is the first digit, the minor part, 3 other digits ex: 7100 means version 7.1

Definition at line 219 of file kfbx.h.

Indicates whether a creation time stamp is preset.

Definition at line 222 of file kfbx.h.

Indicates whether the mCreationTimeStamp member variable contains the actual creation time of the file.

Definition at line 225 of file kfbx.h.

Indicates who is the creator of the file Ex: "FBX SDK/FBX Plugins version 2011.2".

Definition at line 230 of file kfbx.h.

bool mIOPlugin

Indicates whether the file is created by a genuine Autodesk plug-in or not.

Definition at line 233 of file kfbx.h.

bool mPLE

The flag indicates that the header was created by a personal learning edition (PLE) of FBX.

Definition at line 236 of file kfbx.h.

KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo
KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo KFbxFileHeaderInfo