FBX properties: class KFbxProperty and KFbxTypedProperty

FBX includes a property system that allows FBX objects to contain strongly typed member data in the form of an FBX property. FBX properties can be accessed anad managed by means of a rich library of member functions: Create(), Destroy(), DestroyRecursively(), IsValid(), Get(), Set(), etc.

Although you can define your own properties and data types, let’s begin by looking at what you can do with the properties that are already built in to FBX SDK classes. Here, for example, are a few properties of class KFbxNode:

Extract from the reference page for class KFbxNode

An FBX property:

When you create an FBX object, its FBX properties are automatically instantiated and initialized. These are called static properties.

But you can also instantiate and initialize your own additional properties after the FBX object has been created. These are called dynamic properties.

You can query an FBX object to:

NoteIn this documentation, an FBX property refers to an object that is instantiated from class KFbxTypedProperty. Some FBX objects contain member variables that are not implemented as FBX properties, however.