Sources of information
Source Notes
FBX SDK Programmer’s Guide The document you are now reading. You may be reading it as a PDF file, or as part of FBX SDK Help.

Help system distributed with FBX SDK. Includes:

  • FBX SDK Programmer’s Guide (this document).
  • FBX SDK Reference, which containing documentation for each class, member function, enum, etc.
readme.txt Distributed with FBX SDK. Contains last-minute documentation, as well as what’s new and what’s changed since the previous version of FBX SDK.
FBX Plug-in for 3ds Max; FBX Plug-in for Maya; FBX Converter; FBX for QuickTime These FBX tools and their documentation are a good introduction to what you can do with FBX and therefore with FBX SDK. If you are not familiar with 3D modeling and animation concepts, consider learning how to use 3ds Max or Maya.
Discussion forums Free, user-to-user discussion forums. See Discussion Forums. Home page for FBX. Look here for white papers, product sheets, new releases, and other information.
Compatibility/interoperability charts Detailed information on how FBX supports the interchange of 3D data types between 3ds Max, Maya, MotionBuilder, and FBX file format. Available at
The Area Visit, the Autodesk community for digital entertainment and visualization. You’ll find news, tutorials, discussion forums, downloads, etc.