KPair Class Template Reference

#include <kpair.h>
Inheritance diagram for KPair:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename S, typename T>
class KPair< S, T >

Definition at line 46 of file kpair.h.

Public Member Functions

  KPair ()
  KPair (S const &pFirst, T const &pSecond)
KPair< S, T > &  operator= (KPair< S, T > const &pPair)

Public Attributes


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KPair (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file kpair.h.

KPair ( S const &  pFirst,
T const &  pSecond  
) [inline]

Definition at line 50 of file kpair.h.

Member Function Documentation

KPair<S,T>& operator= ( KPair< S, T > const &  pPair  )  [inline]

Definition at line 52 of file kpair.h.

Member Data Documentation

S mFirst