KFbxImplementationFilter Class Reference

#include <kfbximplementationfilter.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxImplementationFilter:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This object represents a shading node filter criteria based on the shading node implementation.

Definition at line 53 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

Public Member Functions

  KFbxImplementationFilter (const char *pShadingAPI=sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API, const char *pShadingAPIVersion=sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API_VERSION, const char *pShadingLanguage=sCHR_ANY_SHADING_LANGUAGE, const char *pShadingLanguageVersion=sCHR_ANY_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)
virtual  ~KFbxImplementationFilter ()
virtual bool  Match (const KFbxObject *pObjectPtr) const
  Tells if this filter matches the given shading node implementation.

Public Attributes

KString  mShadingAPI
  Stores the shading API.
KString  mShadingAPIVersion
  Stores the shading API Version.
KString  mShadingLanguage
  Stores the shading language.
KString  mShadingLanguageVersion
  Stores the shading language version.

Static Public Attributes

static const char *  sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API
static const char *  sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API_VERSION
static const char *  sCHR_ANY_SHADING_LANGUAGE

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KFbxImplementationFilter ( const char *  pShadingAPI = sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API,
const char *  pShadingAPIVersion = sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API_VERSION,
const char *  pShadingLanguage = sCHR_ANY_SHADING_LANGUAGE,
const char *  pShadingLanguageVersion = sCHR_ANY_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION  


pShadingAPI  a string containing the implementation API name: MentalRay OpenGL DirectX
pShadingAPIVersion  a string containing the implementation API version: eg. 1.0
pShadingLanguage  a string identifying the implementation language name: GLSL = GL Shading Language HLSL = High Level Shading Language CGFX = CG effect(NVidia) RIB = RenderMan (RIB) etc...
pShadingLanguageVersion  a string identifying the implementation language version: eg. 1.0
by default the created criteria correspond to any shader

virtual ~KFbxImplementationFilter (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual bool Match ( const KFbxObject pObjectPtr  )  const [virtual]

Tells if this filter matches the given shading node implementation.

pObjectPtr  The given shading node implementation

Implements KFbxObjectFilter.

Member Data Documentation

const char* sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API [static]

Definition at line 58 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

const char* sCHR_ANY_SHADING_API_VERSION [static]

Definition at line 59 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

const char* sCHR_ANY_SHADING_LANGUAGE [static]

Definition at line 60 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.


Definition at line 61 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

Stores the shading API.

Definition at line 101 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

Stores the shading API Version.

Definition at line 104 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

Stores the shading language.

Definition at line 107 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

Stores the shading language version.

Definition at line 110 of file kfbximplementationfilter.h.

KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter
KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter KFbxImplementationFilter