KFbxConnectEvent Class Reference

#include <kfbxproperty.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class handles Connection events.

Definition at line 1642 of file kfbxproperty.h.

Constructor and Destructor.

  KFbxConnectEvent (eFbxConnectEventType pType, eFbxConnectEventDirection pDir, KFbxProperty *pSrc, KFbxProperty *pDst)

Data Access.

eFbxConnectEventType  GetType () const
  Returns the connection event type.
eFbxConnectEventDirection  GetDirection () const
  Returns the direction of connection event.
KFbxProperty GetSrc () const
  Returns the source property.
KFbxProperty GetDst () const
  Returns the destination property.
template<class T>
T *  GetSrcIfObject (T const *pFBX_TYPE) const
  Returns the object of the specified class type that contains the source property.
template<class T>
T *  GetDstIfObject (T const *pFBX_TYPE) const
  Returns the object of the specified class type that contains the destination property.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KFbxConnectEvent ( eFbxConnectEventType  pType,
eFbxConnectEventDirection  pDir,
KFbxProperty pSrc,
KFbxProperty pDst  
) [inline]


pType  The connection event type.
pDir  The direction of connection event.
pSrc  The source property.
pDst  The destination property.

Definition at line 1656 of file kfbxproperty.h.

Member Function Documentation

eFbxConnectEventType GetType (  )  const [inline]

Returns the connection event type.

Definition at line 1672 of file kfbxproperty.h.

eFbxConnectEventDirection GetDirection (  )  const [inline]

Returns the direction of connection event.

Definition at line 1675 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxProperty& GetSrc (  )  const [inline]

Returns the source property.

Definition at line 1678 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxProperty& GetDst (  )  const [inline]

Returns the destination property.

Definition at line 1681 of file kfbxproperty.h.

T* GetSrcIfObject ( T const *  pFBX_TYPE  )  const [inline]

Returns the object of the specified class type that contains the source property.

pFBX_TYPE  The specified class type.
The object of the specified class type that contains the source property, NUll if this property is not a root property or no object of the specified class type contains this property.

Definition at line 1687 of file kfbxproperty.h.

T* GetDstIfObject ( T const *  pFBX_TYPE  )  const [inline]

Returns the object of the specified class type that contains the destination property.

pFBX_TYPE  The specified class type.
The object of the specified class type that contains the destination property, NUll if this property is not a root property or no object of the specified class type contains this property.

Definition at line 1693 of file kfbxproperty.h.

KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent
KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent KFbxConnectEvent