KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve Class Reference

#include <kfbxanimcurvekfcurve.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This is the base class implementing the Fbx animation function curves.

This class, for the time being, encapsulates the old KFCurve structure. However, in a near future, this will become the main animation curve object of the SDK and the implementation is subject to change.

Definition at line 412 of file kfbxanimcurvekfcurve.h.

Key management.

void  ResizeKeyBuffer (int pKeyCount)
  Resize curve buffer to hold a certain number of key.
void  KeyModifyBegin ()
  Call this function prior to modifying the keys of this curve.
void  KeyModifyEnd ()
  Call this function after modification of the keys of this curve.
void  KeyShrink ()
  Minimize use of buffer memory.
virtual void  KeyClear ()
  Remove all the keys and free buffer memory.
virtual int  KeyGetCount () const
  Get the number of keys.
int  KeyAdd (KTime pTime, KFbxAnimCurveKeyBase &pKey, int *pLast=NULL)
  Add a key at given time.
int  KeyAdd (KTime pTime, int *pLast=NULL)
  Add a key at given time.
bool  KeySet (int pIndex, KFbxAnimCurveKeyBase &pKey)
  Set key at given index.
bool  KeyRemove (int pIndex)
  Remove key at given index.
int  KeyInsert (KTime pTime, int *pLast=NULL)
  Insert a key at given time.
double  KeyFind (KTime pTime, int *pLast=NULL)
  Find key index for a given time.
bool  KeyScaleValue (float pMultValue)
  Scale value of all keys.
bool  KeyScaleValueAndTangent (float pMultValue)
  Scale value and tangent of all keys.

Key Manipulation

void  KeySet (int pKeyIndex, KTime pTime, float pValue, KFbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType pInterpolation=KFbxAnimCurveDef::eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC, KFbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode pTangentMode=KFbxAnimCurveDef::eTANGENT_AUTO, float pData0=0.0, float pData1=0.0, KFbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode pTangentWeightMode=KFbxAnimCurveDef::eWEIGHTED_NONE, float pWeight0=KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_WEIGHT, float pWeight1=KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_WEIGHT, float pVelocity0=KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_VELOCITY, float pVelocity1=KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_VELOCITY)
  Set a key.
void  KeySetTCB (int pKeyIndex, KTime pTime, float pValue, float pData0=0.0f, float pData1=0.0f, float pData2=0.0f)
  Set a key with cubic interpolation, TCB tangent mode.
KFbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType  KeyGetInterpolation (int pKeyIndex) const
  Get key interpolation type.
void  KeySetInterpolation (int pKeyIndex, KFbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType pInterpolation)
  Set key interpolation type.
KFbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode  KeyGetConstantMode (int pKeyIndex) const
  Get key constant mode.
KFbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode  KeyGetTangentMode (int pKeyIndex, bool pIncludeOverrides=false) const
  Get key tangent mode.
void  KeySetConstantMode (int pKeyIndex, KFbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode pMode)
  Set key constant mode.
void  KeySetTangentMode (int pKeyIndex, KFbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode pTangent)
  Set key tangent mode.
KFbxAnimCurveKey  KeyGet (int pIndex) const
  Get key at given index.
float  KeyGetValue (int pKeyIndex) const
  Get key value.
void  KeySetValue (int pKeyIndex, float pValue)
  Set key value.
void  KeyIncValue (int pKeyIndex, float pValue)
  Increment key value.
void  KeyMultValue (int pKeyIndex, float pValue)
  Multiply key value.
void  KeyMultTangent (int pKeyIndex, float pValue)
  Multiply key tangents.
virtual KTime  KeyGetTime (int pKeyIndex) const
  Get key time.
virtual void  KeySetTime (int pKeyIndex, KTime pTime)
  Set key time.
void  KeySetBreak (int pKeyIndex, bool pVal)
  Set/Unset Break tangent Only valid for User and Auto keys.
bool  KeyGetBreak (int pKeyIndex) const
  Get if tangent is break Only valid for User and Auto keys.

Key Tangent Management

float  KeyGetLeftDerivative (int pIndex)
  Get the left derivative of a key.
void  KeySetLeftDerivative (int pIndex, float pValue)
  Set the left derivative of a key.
float  KeyGetLeftAuto (int pIndex, bool pApplyOvershootProtection=false)
  Get the left auto parametric of a key.
KFCurveTangeantInfo  KeyGetLeftDerivativeInfo (kFCurveIndex pIndex)
  Get the left derivative info of a key.
void  KeySetLeftDerivativeInfo (kFCurveIndex pIndex, KFCurveTangeantInfo pValue, bool pForceDerivative=false)
  Set the left derivative info of a key.
float  KeyGetRightDerivative (int pIndex)
  Get the right derivative of a key.
void  KeySetRightDerivative (int pIndex, float pValue)
  Set the right derivative of a key.
float  KeyGetRightAuto (int pIndex, bool pApplyOvershootProtection=false)
  Get the right auto parametric of a key.
KFCurveTangeantInfo  KeyGetRightDerivativeInfo (kFCurveIndex pIndex)
  Get the right derivative info of a key.
void  KeySetRightDerivativeInfo (kFCurveIndex pIndex, KFCurveTangeantInfo pValue, bool pForceDerivative=false)
  Set the right derivative info of a key.
bool  KeyIsLeftTangentWeighted (int pIndex) const
  Get the left tangent weight mode of a key.
bool  KeyIsRightTangentWeighted (int pIndex) const
  Get the right tangent weight mode of a key.
float  KeyGetLeftTangentWeight (int pIndex) const
  Get the weight value component of the left tangent of a key.
float  KeyGetRightTangentWeight (int pIndex) const
  Get the weight value component of the right tangent of a key.
void  KeySetLeftTangentWeight (int pIndex, float pWeight, bool pAdjustTan=false)
  Set the left tangent weight of a key.
void  KeySetRightTangentWeight (int pIndex, float pWeight, bool pAdjustTan=false)
  Set the right tangent weight of a key.
float  KeyGetLeftTangentVelocity (int pIndex) const
  Get the velocity value component of the left tangent of a key.
float  KeyGetRightTangentVelocity (int pIndex) const
  Get the velocity value component of the right tangent of a key.

Evaluation and Analysis

virtual float  Evaluate (KTime pTime, int *pLast=NULL)
  Evaluate function curve value at a given time.
virtual float  EvaluateIndex (double pIndex)
  Evaluate function curve value at the given key index.
float  EvaluateLeftDerivative (KTime pTime, int *pLast=NULL)
  Evaluate function left derivative at given time.
float  EvaluateRightDerivative (KTime pTime, int *pLast=NULL)
  Evaluate function right derivative at given time.

Utility functions.

virtual bool  GetTimeInterval (KTime &pStart, KTime &pStop)
  Find out start and end time of the animation curve.
void  SetColor (float *pColor)
  Set the display color of the KFCurve.
float *  GetColor ()
  Get the display color of the KFCurve.
KFCurve GetKFCurve ()
  Returns the pointer to KFCurve.
void  CopyFrom (KFbxAnimCurve &pSource, bool pWithKeys=true)
  Copy curve content into current curve.

Public Member Functions

float  GetValue () const
  Get default value.

Member Function Documentation

float GetValue (  )  const

Get default value.

Default value is used when there is no key in the function curve.

Default value.

void ResizeKeyBuffer ( int  pKeyCount  )  [virtual]

Resize curve buffer to hold a certain number of key.

pKeyCount  Number of key the curve will eventually hold.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeyModifyBegin (  )  [virtual]

Call this function prior to modifying the keys of this curve.

Be sure to call KFbxAnimCurve::KeyModifyEnd() after modification of the keys are completed.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeyModifyEnd (  )  [virtual]

Call this function after modification of the keys of this curve.

You need to call KFCurve::KeyModifyBegin() prior to modifying the keys.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeyShrink (  ) 

Minimize use of buffer memory.

virtual void KeyClear (  )  [virtual]

Remove all the keys and free buffer memory.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

virtual int KeyGetCount (  )  const [virtual]

Get the number of keys.

Key count.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

int KeyAdd ( KTime  pTime,
KFbxAnimCurveKeyBase pKey,
int pLast = NULL  
) [virtual]

Add a key at given time.

Function KFbxAnimCurveFCurve::KeyInsert() SHOULD be used instead if the key is to be added in the curve and not at the end. This function does not respect the interpolation type and tangents of the neighboring keys. If there is already a key at the given time, the key is modified and no new key is added.

pTime  Time to add the key.
pKey  Key to add.
pLast  Function curve index to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
Index of the key at given time, no matter if it was added or already present.
Key value, interpolation type and tangent mode must be set explicitly afterwards.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

int KeyAdd ( KTime  pTime,
int pLast = NULL  
) [inline, virtual]

Add a key at given time.

pTime  Time to add the key.
pLast  Function curve index to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

Definition at line 481 of file kfbxanimcurvekfcurve.h.

References KFbxAnimCurve::KeyAdd().

bool KeySet ( int  pIndex,
KFbxAnimCurveKeyBase pKey  
) [virtual]

Set key at given index.

pIndex  Index of where the key should be set
pKey  the key to set
true if key time is superior to previous key and inferior to next key.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

bool KeyRemove ( int  pIndex  )  [virtual]

Remove key at given index.

pIndex  Index of key to remove.
true on success.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

int KeyInsert ( KTime  pTime,
int pLast = NULL  
) [virtual]

Insert a key at given time.

This function SHOULD be used instead of KFbxAnimCurveFCurve::KeyAdd() if the key is to be added in the curve and not at the end. It inserts the key in respect to the interpolation type and tangents of the neighboring keys. If there is already a key a the given time, the key is modified and no new key is added.

pTime  Time to insert the key.
pLast  Function curve index to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
Index of the key at given time, no matter if it was inserted or already present.
Key value must be set explicitly afterwards. The interpolation type and tangent mode are copied from the previous key.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

double KeyFind ( KTime  pTime,
int pLast = NULL  
) [virtual]

Find key index for a given time.

pTime  Time of the key looked for.
pLast  Function curve index to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
Key index. The integer part of the key index gives the index of the closest key with a smaller time. The decimals give the relative position of given time compared to previous and next key times. Returns -1 if function curve has no key.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

bool KeyScaleValue ( float  pMultValue  )  [virtual]

Scale value of all keys.

pMultValue  Scale applied on key values.
true on success.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

bool KeyScaleValueAndTangent ( float  pMultValue  )  [virtual]

Scale value and tangent of all keys.

pMultValue  Scale applied on key values and tangents.
true on success.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySet ( int  pKeyIndex,
KTime  pTime,
float  pValue,
KFbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType  pInterpolation = KFbxAnimCurveDef::eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC,
KFbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode  pTangentMode = KFbxAnimCurveDef::eTANGENT_AUTO,
float  pData0 = 0.0,
float  pData1 = 0.0,
KFbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode  pTangentWeightMode = KFbxAnimCurveDef::eWEIGHTED_NONE,
float  pWeight0 = KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_WEIGHT,
float  pWeight1 = KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_WEIGHT,
float  pVelocity0 = KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_VELOCITY,
float  pVelocity1 = KFbxAnimCurveDef::kDEFAULT_VELOCITY  
) [virtual]

Set a key.

Use SetTCB() to set a key with cubic interpolation and TCB tangent type.

pKeyIndex  Key index
pTime  Key time.
pValue  Key value.
pInterpolation  Key interpolation type.
pTangentMode  Key tangent mode (meaningful for cubic interpolation only).
pData0  Right slope.
pData1  Next left slope.
pTangentWeightMode  Weight mode.
pWeight0  Right slope weight.
pWeight1  Next left slope weight.
pVelocity0  Right velocity.
pVelocity1  Next left velocity.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetTCB ( int  pKeyIndex,
KTime  pTime,
float  pValue,
float  pData0 = 0.0f,
float  pData1 = 0.0f,
float  pData2 = 0.0f  
) [virtual]

Set a key with cubic interpolation, TCB tangent mode.

pKeyIndex  Key index
pTime  Key time.
pValue  Key value.
pData0  Tension.
pData1  Continuity.
pData2  Bias.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

KFbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType KeyGetInterpolation ( int  pKeyIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get key interpolation type.

pKeyIndex  Key index
Key interpolation type

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetInterpolation ( int  pKeyIndex,
KFbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType  pInterpolation  
) [virtual]

Set key interpolation type.

pKeyIndex  Key index
pInterpolation  Key interpolation type.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

KFbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode KeyGetConstantMode ( int  pKeyIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get key constant mode.

Warning: This method is meaningful for constant interpolation only. Using this method for non constant interpolated key will return unpredicted value.

pKeyIndex  Key index
Key constant mode.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

KFbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode KeyGetTangentMode ( int  pKeyIndex,
bool  pIncludeOverrides = false  
) const [virtual]

Get key tangent mode.

pIncludeOverrides  Warning: This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only. Using this method for non cubic interpolated key will return unpredicted value.
Key tangent mode.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetConstantMode ( int  pKeyIndex,
KFbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode  pMode  
) [virtual]

Set key constant mode.

Warning: This method is meaningful for constant interpolation only.

pKeyIndex  Key index
pMode  Key constant mode.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetTangentMode ( int  pKeyIndex,
KFbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode  pTangent  
) [virtual]

Set key tangent mode.

Warning: This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.

pKeyIndex  Key index
pTangent  Key tangent mode.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

KFbxAnimCurveKey KeyGet ( int  pIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get key at given index.

pIndex  The index.
A copy of the key at the given index.
Result is undetermined if this curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetValue ( int  pKeyIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get key value.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
Value of key.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetValue ( int  pKeyIndex,
float  pValue  
) [virtual]

Set key value.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
pValue  The value to set.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeyIncValue ( int  pKeyIndex,
float  pValue  
) [virtual]

Increment key value.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
pValue  Value by which key value is incremented.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeyMultValue ( int  pKeyIndex,
float  pValue  
) [virtual]

Multiply key value.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
pValue  Value by which the key value is multiplied.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeyMultTangent ( int  pKeyIndex,
float  pValue  
) [virtual]

Multiply key tangents.

Note: When multiplying a key value, tangents must be multiplied to conserve the same topology.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
pValue  Value by which key tangents are multiplied.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

virtual KTime KeyGetTime ( int  pKeyIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get key time.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
Key time (time at which this key is occurring).

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

virtual void KeySetTime ( int  pKeyIndex,
KTime  pTime  
) [virtual]

Set key time.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
pTime  Key time (time at which this key is occurring).

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetBreak ( int  pKeyIndex,
bool  pVal  
) [virtual]

Set/Unset Break tangent Only valid for User and Auto keys.

pKeyIndex  Key index.
pVal  Break flag.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

bool KeyGetBreak ( int  pKeyIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get if tangent is break Only valid for User and Auto keys.

pKeyIndex  Key index.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetLeftDerivative ( int  pIndex  )  [virtual]

Get the left derivative of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Left derivative.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetLeftDerivative ( int  pIndex,
float  pValue  
) [virtual]

Set the left derivative of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pValue  Left derivative.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds. This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC and tangent mode is eTANGENT_USER, eTANGENT_BREAK or eTANGENT_AUTO.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetLeftAuto ( int  pIndex,
bool  pApplyOvershootProtection = false  
) [virtual]

Get the left auto parametric of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pApplyOvershootProtection  Clamp is taken into account.
Left auto parametric.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

KFCurveTangeantInfo KeyGetLeftDerivativeInfo ( kFCurveIndex  pIndex  )  [virtual]

Get the left derivative info of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Left derivative.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetLeftDerivativeInfo ( kFCurveIndex  pIndex,
KFCurveTangeantInfo  pValue,
bool  pForceDerivative = false  
) [virtual]

Set the left derivative info of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pValue  Left derivative.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds. This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation type is KFCURVE_INTERPOLATION_CUBIC and tangent mode is KFCURVE_TANGEANT_USER or KFCURVE_TANGEANT_BREAK.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetRightDerivative ( int  pIndex  )  [virtual]

Get the right derivative of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Right derivative.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetRightDerivative ( int  pIndex,
float  pValue  
) [virtual]

Set the right derivative of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pValue  Right derivative.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds. This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC and tangent mode is eTANGENT_USER, eTANGENT_BREAK or eTANGENT_AUTO.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetRightAuto ( int  pIndex,
bool  pApplyOvershootProtection = false  
) [virtual]

Get the right auto parametric of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pApplyOvershootProtection  Clamp is taken into account.
Right auto parametric.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

KFCurveTangeantInfo KeyGetRightDerivativeInfo ( kFCurveIndex  pIndex  )  [virtual]

Get the right derivative info of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Right derivative info.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetRightDerivativeInfo ( kFCurveIndex  pIndex,
KFCurveTangeantInfo  pValue,
bool  pForceDerivative = false  
) [virtual]

Set the right derivative info of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pValue  Right derivative.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds. This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation type is KFCURVE_INTERPOLATION_CUBIC and tangent mode is KFCURVE_TANGEANT_USER or KFCURVE_TANGEANT_BREAK.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

bool KeyIsLeftTangentWeighted ( int  pIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get the left tangent weight mode of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
true if the key is weighted.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

bool KeyIsRightTangentWeighted ( int  pIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get the right tangent weight mode of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
true if the key is weighted.
Result is undetermined if function curve has no key or index is out of bounds.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetLeftTangentWeight ( int  pIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get the weight value component of the left tangent of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Left tangent weight.
This function is only relevant if key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetRightTangentWeight ( int  pIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get the weight value component of the right tangent of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Right tangent weight.
This function is only relevant if key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetLeftTangentWeight ( int  pIndex,
float  pWeight,
bool  pAdjustTan = false  
) [virtual]

Set the left tangent weight of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pWeight  Weight value.
pAdjustTan  When set to true, recompute the tangent height to compensate for very small weights.
This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC and tangent mode is eTANGENT_USER or eTANGENT_BREAK. The tangent is automatically set in weighted mode.

The pAdjustTan option will only produce correct results provided that the tangent has already been set before calling this function.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void KeySetRightTangentWeight ( int  pIndex,
float  pWeight,
bool  pAdjustTan = false  
) [virtual]

Set the right tangent weight of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
pWeight  Weight value.
pAdjustTan  When set to true, recompute the tangent height to compensate for very small weights.
This function is only relevant if key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC and tangent mode is eTANGENT_USER or eTANGENT_BREAK. The tangent is automatically set in weighted mode.

The pAdjustTan option will only produce correct results provided that the tangent has already been set before calling this function.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetLeftTangentVelocity ( int  pIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get the velocity value component of the left tangent of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Left tangent velocity.
This function is only relevant if key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float KeyGetRightTangentVelocity ( int  pIndex  )  const [virtual]

Get the velocity value component of the right tangent of a key.

pIndex  Index of key.
Right tangent velocity.
This function is only relevant if key interpolation type is eINTERPOLATION_CUBIC.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

virtual float Evaluate ( KTime  pTime,
int pLast = NULL  
) [virtual]

Evaluate function curve value at a given time.

pTime  Time of evaluation. If time falls between two keys, function curve value is interpolated according to previous key interpolation type and tangent mode if relevant.
pLast  Index of the last processed key. If this function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
Evaluated curve value.
This function takes extrapolation into account.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

virtual float EvaluateIndex ( double  pIndex  )  [virtual]

Evaluate function curve value at the given key index.

pIndex  Any value between 0 and KFCurve::KeyGetCount() - 1. If this index falls between keys, the function curve value is interpolated according to previous key interpolation type and tangent mode if relevant.
Evaluated curve value.
This function does not take extrapolation into account.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float EvaluateLeftDerivative ( KTime  pTime,
int pLast = NULL  
) [virtual]

Evaluate function left derivative at given time.

pTime  Time of evaluation.
pLast  Function curve index to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
Left derivative at given time.
This function does not take extrapolation into account.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

float EvaluateRightDerivative ( KTime  pTime,
int pLast = NULL  
) [virtual]

Evaluate function right derivative at given time.

pTime  Time of evaluation.
pLast  Function curve index to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
Right derivative at given time.
This function does not take extrapolation into account.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

virtual bool GetTimeInterval ( KTime pStart,
KTime pStop  
) [virtual]

Find out start and end time of the animation curve.

This function retrieves the Curve's time span.

pStart  Reference to receive start time.
pStop  Reference to receive end time.
true on success, false otherwise.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void SetColor ( float *  pColor  ) 

Set the display color of the KFCurve.

pColor  The Desired color.

float* GetColor (  ) 

Get the display color of the KFCurve.

the pointer to the color or NULL.

KFCurve* GetKFCurve (  )  [virtual]

Returns the pointer to KFCurve.

Pointer to KFCurve.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

void CopyFrom ( KFbxAnimCurve pSource,
bool  pWithKeys = true  
) [virtual]

Copy curve content into current curve.

pSource  Source curve.
pWithKeys  If true, clear keys in current function curve and copy keys from source function curve. If false, keys in current function curve are left as is.

Implements KFbxAnimCurve.

KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve
KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve KFbxAnimCurveKFCurve