Class KFbxNode provides three member functions that get the node’s default TRS properties. These functions are KFbxNode::GetDefaultT(), KFbxNode::GetDefaultR(), and KFbxNode::GetDefaultS().
But class KFbxNode also provides three FBX properties that also get the node’s default TRS properties: KFbxNode::GetLclTranslation, KFbxNode::GetLclRotation, and KFbxNode::GetLclScaling.
In general, if FBX SDK provides direct access to a property, use that approach rather than the Get/Set member functions. As you can see from the actual source code of SetDefaultT() and GetDefaultT(), the difference between calling these functions instead of accessing the property directly is that we validate the property before trying to manipulate it. So if you access the property directly, you should perform the appropriate tests.
void KFbxNode::SetDefaultT (const KFbxVector4& pT)
if (LclTranslation.IsValid())
KFbxVector4& KFbxNode::GetDefaultT (KFbxVector4& pT)
if (LclTranslation.IsValid())
pT = LclTranslation.Get();
return pT;