FBX applications using create the scene object immediately after creating the SDK Manager object:
// Declarations
KFbxSdkManager* gSdkManager = NULL;
KFbxScene* gScene = NULL;
const KFbxNode* gRootNode = NULL;
// Create SDK manager to manage memory
gSdkManager = KFbxSdkManager::Create();
// Create scene object
gScene = KFbxScene::Create(gSdkManager, "");
In FBX, a scene has exactly one root node. KFbxScene has a function GetRootNode() which returns a reference to the root node of a scene:
//Get the scene’s root node
KFbxNode* gScene->GetRootNode();
All nodes in an FBX scene graph are, directly or indirectly, children of the root node:
The root node referenced by a KFBXScene object is not saved in an exported file. So if you want, for example, to apply a global translation to all objects in the scene:
RootNodeForGlobals will be saved with the global translation properties.