KFbxPeripheral Class Reference

#include <kfbxperipheral.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

FBX SDK peripheral class.

Definition at line 49 of file kfbxperipheral.h.

Constructor and Destructor

  KFbxPeripheral ()
virtual  ~KFbxPeripheral ()

Public Member Functions

virtual void  Reset ()=0
  Reset the peripheral to its initial state.
virtual bool  UnloadContentOf (KFbxObject *pObject)=0
  Unload the content of pObject.
virtual bool  LoadContentOf (KFbxObject *pObject)=0
  Load the content of pObject.
virtual bool  CanUnloadContentOf (KFbxObject *pObject)=0
  Check if this peripheral can unload the given object content.
virtual bool  CanLoadContentOf (KFbxObject *pObject)=0
  Check if this peripheral can load the given object content.
virtual void  InitializeConnectionsOf (KFbxObject *pObject)=0
  Initialize the connections of an object.
virtual void  UninitializeConnectionsOf (KFbxObject *pObject)=0
  Uninitialize the connections of an object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KFbxPeripheral (  ) 


virtual ~KFbxPeripheral (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual void Reset (  )  [pure virtual]

Reset the peripheral to its initial state.

virtual bool UnloadContentOf ( KFbxObject pObject  )  [pure virtual]

Unload the content of pObject.

pObject  Object whose content is to be offloaded into the peripheral storage area.
true if the object content has been successfully transferred.

virtual bool LoadContentOf ( KFbxObject pObject  )  [pure virtual]

Load the content of pObject.

pObject  Object whose content is to be loaded from the peripheral storage area.
true if the object content has been successfully transferred.

virtual bool CanUnloadContentOf ( KFbxObject pObject  )  [pure virtual]

Check if this peripheral can unload the given object content.

pObject  Object whose content has to be transferred.
true if the peripheral can handle this object content AND/OR has enough space in its storage area.

virtual bool CanLoadContentOf ( KFbxObject pObject  )  [pure virtual]

Check if this peripheral can load the given object content.

pObject  Object whose content has to be transferred.
true if the peripheral can handle this object content

virtual void InitializeConnectionsOf ( KFbxObject pObject  )  [pure virtual]

Initialize the connections of an object.

pObject  Object on which the request for connection is done

virtual void UninitializeConnectionsOf ( KFbxObject pObject  )  [pure virtual]

Uninitialize the connections of an object.

pObject  Object on which the request for disconnection is done
KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral
KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral KFbxPeripheral