KFbxCache Class Reference

#include <kfbxcache.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxCache:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This object contains methods for accessing point animation in a cache file.

The FBX SDK supports two point cache file formats :

Accessing cache data using these formats differ significantly. To address this difference, two sets of methods have been created. Use the GetCacheFileFormat() function to determine which set of methods to use.

Definition at line 63 of file kfbxcache.h.

Format Independent Functions.

enum   EFileFormat
  Supported cache file formats. More...
void  SetCacheFileFormat (EFileFormat pFileFormat)
  Set the cache file format.
EFileFormat  GetCacheFileFormat ()
  Get the cache file format.
void  SetCacheFileName (const char *pRelativeFileName, const char *pAbsoluteFileName)
  Set the cache file name.
void  GetCacheFileName (KString &pRelativeFileName, KString &pAbsoluteFileName)
  Get the cache file name.
bool  OpenFileForRead ()
  Open the cache file for reading.
bool  IsOpen ()
  Get the open state of the cache file.
bool  CloseFile ()
  Close the cache file.
double  GetSamplingFrameRate ()
  Get the sampling frame rate of the cache file.
KTime  GetCacheTimePerFrame ()
  Get the sampling frame rate of the cache file, as a KTime object.

eMC Format Specific Functions.

enum   EMCFileCount
  Number of files used to store the animation. More...
enum   EMCDataType
  cache datatypes formats. More...
enum   EMCSamplingType
  cache channel sampling types. More...
bool  OpenFileForWrite (EMCFileCount pFileCount, double pSamplingFrameRate, const char *pChannelName, EMCDataType pMCDataType=kDoubleVectorArray)
  Open a cache file for writing.
int  GetChannelCount ()
  Get the number of channels in the cache file.
bool  GetChannelName (int pChannelIndex, KString &pChannelName)
  Get the channel name for a specific channel index.
bool  GetChannelDataType (int pChannelIndex, EMCDataType &pChannelType)
  Get the DataType of the specified channel.
int  GetChannelIndex (const char *pChannelName)
  Get the index of the specified channel.
bool  Read (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pTime, double *pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Read a sample at a given time.
bool  Read (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pTime, float *pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Read a sample at a given time.
bool  Read (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pTime, int *pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Read a sample at a given time.
bool  Write (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pTime, double *pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Write a sample at a given time.
bool  Write (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pTime, float *pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Write a sample at a given time.
bool  Write (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pTime, int *pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Write a sample at a given time.
bool  GetAnimationRange (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pTimeStart, KTime &pTimeEnd)
  Get the Animation Range of the specified channel.
bool  GetCacheType (EMCFileCount &pFileCount)
  Get the cache type.
bool  GetChannelInterpretation (int pChannelIndex, KString &pInterpretation)
  Get the cache channel interpretation.
bool  GetChannelSamplingType (int pChannelIndex, EMCSamplingType &pSamplingType)
  Get the cache channel sampling type.
bool  GetChannelSamplingRate (int pChannelIndex, KTime &pSamplingRate)
  Get the cache channel sampling rate, in frames per second.
bool  GetChannelSampleCount (int pChannelIndex, unsigned int &pSampleCount)
  Get the number of data points for a channel.
bool  GetChannelPointCount (int pChannelIndex, KTime pTime, unsigned int &pPointCount)
  Get the number of points animated in the cache file, for a channel, for a given time.
int  GetCacheDataFileCount ()
  Returns the number of cache data files.
bool  GetCacheDataFileName (int pIndex, KString &pRelativeFileName, KString &pAbsoluteFileName)
  Get the nth cache file name.
bool  EnableMultiChannelFetching (bool pMultiChannelFetching)
  Enable multi-channel fetching.

Error Management

enum   EError
  Error identifiers. More...
KError GetError ()
  Retrieve error object.
EError  GetLastErrorID () const
  Get last error code.
const char *  GetLastErrorString () const
  Get last error string.

Public Member Functions

KFbxCache operator= (const KFbxCache &pOther)
  Assignment operator.
ePC2 Format Specific Functions.
bool  OpenFileForWrite (double pFrameStartOffset, double pSamplingFrameRate, unsigned int pSampleCount, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Open a cache file for writing.
unsigned int  GetSampleCount ()
  Get the number of frames of animation found in the point cache file.
unsigned int  GetPointCount ()
  Get the number of points animated in the cache file.
double  GetFrameStartOffset ()
  Get the start time of the animation.
bool  Read (unsigned int pFrameIndex, double *pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount)
  Read a sample at a given frame index.
bool  Write (unsigned int pFrameIndex, double *pBuffer)
  Write a sample at a given frame index.
File conversion Functions.
bool  ConvertFromPC2ToMC (EMCFileCount pFileCount, double pSamplingFrameRate)
  Create an eMC cache file from an ePC2 cache file.
bool  ConvertFromMCToPC2 (double pSamplingFrameRate, unsigned int pChannelIndex)
  Create an ePC2 cache file from an eMC cache file.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Supported cache file formats.

  • ePC2 3ds Max Point Cache 2 file format
  • eMC Maya Cache file format

Definition at line 78 of file kfbxcache.h.

Number of files used to store the animation.

  • eMC_ONE_FILE One file is used for all the frames of animation
  • eMC_ONE_FILE_PER_FRAME One file is used for every frame of animation

Definition at line 144 of file kfbxcache.h.

cache datatypes formats.

  • kUnknownData
  • kDouble is a double
  • kDoubleArray would be double*
  • kDoubleVectorArray is double* [3]
  • kInt32Array is int*
  • kFloatVectorArray is float* [3]

Definition at line 158 of file kfbxcache.h.

cache channel sampling types.

  • eSAMPLING_REGULAR Regular sampling
  • eSAMPLING_IRREGULAR Irregular sampling

Definition at line 299 of file kfbxcache.h.

enum EError

Error identifiers.


Definition at line 481 of file kfbxcache.h.

Member Function Documentation

void SetCacheFileFormat ( EFileFormat  pFileFormat  ) 

Set the cache file format.

pFileFormat  Valid values are ePC2 or eMC.

EFileFormat GetCacheFileFormat (  ) 

Get the cache file format.

The current cache file format, or eUNKNOWN if it is not set.

void SetCacheFileName ( const char *  pRelativeFileName,
const char *  pAbsoluteFileName  

Set the cache file name.

pRelativeFileName  The point cache file, relative to the FBX file name.
pAbsoluteFileName  The point cache file absolute path.

void GetCacheFileName ( KString pRelativeFileName,
KString pAbsoluteFileName  

Get the cache file name.

pRelativeFileName  Return the point cache file name, relative to the FBX File name.
pAbsoluteFileName  Return the point cache file absolute path.

bool OpenFileForRead (  ) 

Open the cache file for reading.

true if the file is successfully opened, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool IsOpen (  ) 

Get the open state of the cache file.

true if the cache file is currently open, false otherwise.

bool CloseFile (  ) 

Close the cache file.

true if the cache file is closed successfully, false otherwise.

double GetSamplingFrameRate (  ) 

Get the sampling frame rate of the cache file.

The sampling frame rate of the cache file, in frames per second.

KTime GetCacheTimePerFrame (  ) 

Get the sampling frame rate of the cache file, as a KTime object.

The sampling frame rate of the cache file.

bool OpenFileForWrite ( EMCFileCount  pFileCount,
double  pSamplingFrameRate,
const char *  pChannelName,
EMCDataType  pMCDataType = kDoubleVectorArray  

Open a cache file for writing.

pFileCount  Create one file for each frame of animation, or one file for all the frames.
pSamplingFrameRate  Number of frames per second.
pChannelName  The name of the channel of animation to create.
pMCDataType  The MC DataType of the cache.

int GetChannelCount (  ) 

Get the number of channels in the cache file.

The number of animation channels in the cache file.

bool GetChannelName ( int  pChannelIndex,
KString pChannelName  

Get the channel name for a specific channel index.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pChannelName  Returns the name of the requested channel.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetChannelDataType ( int  pChannelIndex,
EMCDataType pChannelType  

Get the DataType of the specified channel.

pChannelIndex  The index of the channel.
pChannelType  The channel's datatype
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

int GetChannelIndex ( const char *  pChannelName  ) 

Get the index of the specified channel.

pChannelName  The name of the channel.
The index of the channel in the cache file, or -1 if an error occurred. See the error management functions for error details.

bool Read ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pTime,
double *  pBuffer,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Read a sample at a given time.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pTime  Time at which the point animation must be evaluated.
pBuffer  The place where the point value will be copied. This buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
pPointCount  The number of points to read from the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool Read ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pTime,
float *  pBuffer,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Read a sample at a given time.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pTime  Time at which the point animation must be evaluated.
pBuffer  The place where the point value will be copied. This buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
pPointCount  The number of points to read from the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool Read ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pTime,
int *  pBuffer,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Read a sample at a given time.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pTime  Time at which the point animation must be evaluated.
pBuffer  The place where the point value will be copied. This buffer must be of size pPointCount.
pPointCount  The number of points to read from the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool Write ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pTime,
double *  pBuffer,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Write a sample at a given time.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pTime  Time at which the point animation must be inserted.
pBuffer  Point to the values to be copied. This buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
pPointCount  The number of points to write in the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool Write ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pTime,
float *  pBuffer,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Write a sample at a given time.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pTime  Time at which the point animation must be inserted.
pBuffer  Point to the values to be copied. This buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
pPointCount  The number of points to write in the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool Write ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pTime,
int *  pBuffer,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Write a sample at a given time.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pTime  Time at which the point animation must be inserted.
pBuffer  Point to the values to be copied. This buffer must be of size pPointCount.
pPointCount  The number of points to write in the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetAnimationRange ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pTimeStart,
KTime pTimeEnd  

Get the Animation Range of the specified channel.

pChannelIndex  The index of the channel.
pTimeStart  The Channel's Animation Start Time
pTimeEnd  The Channel's Animation End Time
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetCacheType ( EMCFileCount pFileCount  ) 

Get the cache type.

pFileCount  The cache type.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetChannelInterpretation ( int  pChannelIndex,
KString pInterpretation  

Get the cache channel interpretation.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pInterpretation  The channel interpretation; user-defined.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetChannelSamplingType ( int  pChannelIndex,
EMCSamplingType pSamplingType  

Get the cache channel sampling type.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pSamplingType  The sampling type of the channel.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetChannelSamplingRate ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime pSamplingRate  

Get the cache channel sampling rate, in frames per second.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pSamplingRate  The sampling rate of the channel. The channel must have a regular sampling type.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetChannelSampleCount ( int  pChannelIndex,
unsigned int &  pSampleCount  

Get the number of data points for a channel.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pSampleCount  Number of available samples.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool GetChannelPointCount ( int  pChannelIndex,
KTime  pTime,
unsigned int &  pPointCount  

Get the number of points animated in the cache file, for a channel, for a given time.

pChannelIndex  The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
pTime  Reference time; must be within the boundaries of the animation.
pPointCount  Number of available points.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

int GetCacheDataFileCount (  ) 

Returns the number of cache data files.

The count returned does not include the main cache file, and depends on the cache type. WIll return -1 point cache support is not enabled.

bool GetCacheDataFileName ( int  pIndex,
KString pRelativeFileName,
KString pAbsoluteFileName  

Get the nth cache file name.

pIndex  Index of the cache file to return; index is zero-based, and must be < GetCacheDataFileCount().
pRelativeFileName  Return the point cache file name, relative to the FBX File name.
pAbsoluteFileName  Return the point cache file absolute path.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool EnableMultiChannelFetching ( bool  pMultiChannelFetching  ) 

Enable multi-channel fetching.

pMultiChannelFetching  Enable/disable multi-channel fetching. When multi-channel is enabled, any load of data on a channel at a specific time will prefetch data from all channels, for that specific time. This can reduce disk access, and increase performance (but requires more memory).
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool OpenFileForWrite ( double  pFrameStartOffset,
double  pSamplingFrameRate,
unsigned int  pSampleCount,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Open a cache file for writing.

pFrameStartOffset  Start time of the animation, in frames.
pSamplingFrameRate  Number of frames per second.
pSampleCount  The number of samples to write to the file.
pPointCount  The number of points to write in the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

unsigned int GetSampleCount (  ) 

Get the number of frames of animation found in the point cache file.

The number of frames of animation.

unsigned int GetPointCount (  ) 

Get the number of points animated in the cache file.

The number of points.

double GetFrameStartOffset (  ) 

Get the start time of the animation.

The start time of the animation, in frames.

bool Read ( unsigned int  pFrameIndex,
double *  pBuffer,
unsigned int  pPointCount  

Read a sample at a given frame index.

pFrameIndex  The index of the animation frame, between 0 and GetSampleCount().
pBuffer  The place where the point value will be copied. This buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
pPointCount  The number of points to read from the point cache file.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.

bool Write ( unsigned int  pFrameIndex,
double *  pBuffer  

Write a sample at a given frame index.

pFrameIndex  The index of the animation frame.
pBuffer  Point to the values to be copied. This buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount, as passed to the function OpenFileForWrite().
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.
Successive calls to Write() must use successive index.

bool ConvertFromPC2ToMC ( EMCFileCount  pFileCount,
double  pSamplingFrameRate  

Create an eMC cache file from an ePC2 cache file.

pFileCount  Create one file for each frame of animation, or one file for all the frames.
pSamplingFrameRate  Number of frames per second used to resample the point animation.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.
The created point cache file will be located in the _fpc folder associate with the FBX file.

bool ConvertFromMCToPC2 ( double  pSamplingFrameRate,
unsigned int  pChannelIndex  

Create an ePC2 cache file from an eMC cache file.

pSamplingFrameRate  Number of frames per second to resample the point animation.
pChannelIndex  Index of the channel of animation to read from.
true if successful, false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details.
The created point cache file will be located in the _fpc folder associate with the FBX file.

KError& GetError (  ) 

Retrieve error object.

Reference to error object.

EError GetLastErrorID (  )  const

Get last error code.

Last error code.

const char* GetLastErrorString (  )  const

Get last error string.

Textual description of the last error.

KFbxCache& operator= ( const KFbxCache pOther  ) 

Assignment operator.

pOther  Another KFbxCache assigned to this one.
KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache
KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache KFbxCache