KFbxBindingTableBase Class Reference

#include <kfbxbindingtablebase.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxBindingTableBase:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

A binding table represents a collection of bindings from source types such as KFbxObjects, or KFbxLayerElements to destinations which can be of similar types.

See KFbxBindingTableEntry.

Definition at line 57 of file kfbxbindingtablebase.h.

Public Member Functions

KFbxBindingTableEntry AddNewEntry ()
  Adds a new entry to the binding table.
size_t  GetEntryCount () const
  Query the number of table entries.
KFbxBindingTableEntry const &  GetEntry (size_t pIndex) const
  Access a table entry.
KFbxBindingTableEntry GetEntry (size_t pIndex)
  Access a table entry.
KFbxBindingTableBase operator= (KFbxBindingTableBase const &pTable)
  Operator Equality.
KFbxBindingTableEntry const *  GetEntryForSource (char const *pSrcName) const
  Retrieve the table entry for the given source value.
KFbxBindingTableEntry const *  GetEntryForDestination (char const *pDestName) const
  Retrieve the table entry for the given destination value.

Member Function Documentation

KFbxBindingTableEntry& AddNewEntry (  ) 

Adds a new entry to the binding table.

The new entry

size_t GetEntryCount (  )  const

Query the number of table entries.

The number of entries

KFbxBindingTableEntry const& GetEntry ( size_t  pIndex  )  const

Access a table entry.

pIndex  Valid range is [0, GetEntryCount()-1]
A valid table entry if pIndex is valid. Otherwise the value is undefined.

KFbxBindingTableEntry& GetEntry ( size_t  pIndex  ) 

Access a table entry.

pIndex  Valid range is [0, GetEntryCount()-1]
A valid table entry if pIndex is valid. Otherwise the value is undefined.

KFbxBindingTableBase& operator= ( KFbxBindingTableBase const &  pTable  ) 

Operator Equality.

pTable  Another instance to copy from.

KFbxBindingTableEntry const* GetEntryForSource ( char const *  pSrcName  )  const

Retrieve the table entry for the given source value.

pSrcName  The source value to query
The corresponding entry, or NULL if no entry in the table has a source equal in value to pSrcName.

KFbxBindingTableEntry const* GetEntryForDestination ( char const *  pDestName  )  const

Retrieve the table entry for the given destination value.

pDestName  The destination value to query
The corresponding entry, or NULL if no entry in the table has a destination equal in value to pDestName.
KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase
KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase KFbxBindingTableBase