Common questions

The following table contains the answers to some common questions about FBX for QuickTime.

Question Answer
How can I get FBX files to open faster in QuickTime? Save your file in the QuickTime Player with the “Save As...” option in the menu. (Using “Save As” creates a QuickTime movie that has an FBX track. Make sure to save it in “Self-Contained” mode, so that the FBX file embeds in the MOV file. Otherwise, reference it externally.)
I can see my character, but why is it not positioned the way I saved it?/ Why can't I see my animation? If your character is not positioned correctly, or you cannot see your animation, you probably forgot to plot (or Bake) your character.
What is plotting (or Baking)? Plotting finalizes your project by copying the animation directly to your models.
There's no animation in my scene, but it has a special effects shader that is not moving. Set your take length to zero, so that the Free Running option is automatically active when your FBX file opens in QuickTime.
When I use a keyboard as a device in a constraint to make my character move, why is the frame rate weird, or the animation is inactive? Set the take length to zero, so the Free Running option activates automatically when your FBX file opens in QuickTime.
Why can’t I see my textures? When exporting FBX files, activate the Embed Media option. This embeds textures and other media with the FBX file.