Deactivate the Generate log data option if you do not want warning and error information written to the log. However, if you do deactivate this option, the FBX Exporter/Importer does not write log data (such as errors and warnings,) to the generated log file. However, the file name and time stamp are still recorded in the log.
The 3ds Max FBX Plug-in stores log files with the FBX presets, in C:\My Documents\3dsmax\FBX\Logs.
Occasionally, some batch imports/exports create very large warning/error files, and in this case you might want to disable this option.
Normally, it is recommended to leave the Generate log data option active, which is the default, as this helps you identify problems with file conversions.
Log files are important for tracking errors and warnings on import. It is not recommended to deactivate this option when you import a series of files, for example, in a automation or batch import because you will not receive any feedback about any issues that concern files during import. This lack of feedback can make it difficult to identify problem files which, in turn, makes diagnosing problems difficult.