Set brush stroke properties

In the Brush Options window set Spacing Bias, Spacing Noise, Rotate to Stroke, and Rotation Jitter in the Stroke section of the window.

Brushes apply paint to a canvas plane in strokes. A stroke consists of a series of closely spaced stamps. (If you click a brush onto a canvas plane, instead of dragging the stylus, you will apply a single stamp of paint.) You can control how strokes are generated from stamps.

For example, you can control the spacing between stamps in a stroke so they are close or far apart, or so their spacing has an element of randomness.

You can make stamps rotate in the direction of a stroke or always remain in the same direction, or rotate with an element of randomness.

To set brush stamp spacing

In the Brush Options window, do the following:

To set brush stamp rotation

In the Brush Options window, do the following in the Brush Stroke section: