Use surface textures

Uses for surface textures

  1. The File and Stencil textures are used to specify an image file.
  2. The Curvature texture is used by the Surf curvature and Surf curv params tools.
  3. The Highlight texture is used by the Highlight and Highlight params tools.

Reduce surface texture distortion

Surface textures are mapped to a surface’s parametric space. That is, the XY values of the texture are mapped to the UV parameters of the surface. If the surface’s UV parameterization is non-uniform (that is, the U and V isoparametric curves are not uniformly spaced), then the texture appears distorted. This often occurs when mapping a surface texture to a curved surface. The greater the surface curvature, the less uniform the parameterization, and the greater the texture distortion.

If a surface texture appears distorted on a surface, do one of the following: