Interface to Alias NURBS curves geometry.
#include <AlCurve.h>
class AlCurve : public AlObject
virtual ~AlCurve();
virtual statusCode deleteObject();
virtual AlObject* copyWrapper() const;
statusCode create( int, curveFormType, int, const double[], int, const double[][4], const int[]);
statusCode create( int, curveFormType, const double[], int, const double[][4]);
statusCode createLine( const double[3], const double[3] );
statusCode createArc( const double[3], const double[3], const double[3], boolean );
statusCode createArc( double *, double *, double *, double,double, double, int=3, boolean=TRUE );
statusCode createConic( double, double, double, double, double, double, const double[3], const double[3] );
statusCode createParabola( const double[3], const double[3], const double[3], const double[3] );
statusCode createEllipse( const double[3], const double[3], const double[3], const double[3], const double[3] );
statusCode createHyperbola( const double[3], const double[3], const double[3], const double[3], const double[3] );
statusCode createPoint( const double[3] );
virtual AlObjectType type() const;
AlCurveNode* curveNode() const;
curveFormType form() const;
int degree() const;
int numberOfSpans() const;
int numberOfCVs() const;
AlCurveCV* firstCV() const;
AlCurveCV* getCV( int ) const;
AlAttributes* firstAttribute() const;
statusCode CVsWorldPosition( double[][4], int[] ) const;
statusCode CVsAffectedPosition( const AlTM&, double[][4], int[] ) const;
statusCode CVsUnaffectedPosition( double[][4], int[] ) const;
statusCode setCVsUnaffectedPosition( const double[][4] );
statusCode length( double& len, boolean worldCoords = TRUE, double tolerance=0.001 );
statusCode eval(double, boolean, double P[3] = NULL, double dP[3] = NULL ) const;
statusCode eval( double dist, double P[3], double &t, boolean worldCoordinates = TRUE, double tolerance = 0.001) const;
int numberOfKnots() const;
statusCode knotVector( double[] ) const;
statusCode setKnotVector( const double[] );
int numberOfCVsInclMultiples() const;
statusCode CVsWorldPositionInclMultiples( double[][4] )const;
statusCode CVsAffectedPositionInclMultiples( const AlTM&, double[][4] ) const;
statusCode CVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples( double[][4] ) const;
statusCode setCVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples( const double[][4] );
int realNumberOfKnots() const;
statusCode realKnotVector( double[] ) const;
statusCode setRealKnotVector( const double[] );
boolean isDisplayModeSet( AlDisplayModeType ) const;
statusCode setDisplayMode( AlDisplayModeType, boolean );
statusCode applyIteratorToCVs( AlIterator*, int& );
statusCode doUpdates( boolean newState = TRUE );
statusCode periodicToNonPeriodic() const;
statusCode normal(double [3]) const;
statusCode insert( double param );
statusCode append( double pos[4], AlPointType type );
statusCode reverseCurve();
statusCode extendCurve( double , double [4] );
statusCode incrementDegree();
statusCode adjustEndSpan( double );
statusCode trimCurve( double, double );
AlCurve is the interface to the geometric data of Alias’ NURBS curve objects. To create a curve, first instantiate and create an AlCurve and then instantiate and create an AlCurveNode.
For more information on how to create the curve geometry, see the description for the create() method.
A curve form can be one of three types: periodic, closed or open. If a curve is "kPeriodic", it is tangent continuous at all
points on the curve and its endpoints are coincident. If a curve is "kClosed", it is not periodic but its endpoints are coincident.
If the curve is neither closed nor periodic, it is considered to be "kOpen".
There are two ways to delete an AlCurve. If the AlCurve destructor is called, the attached AlCurveNode is deleted. If the
AlCurveNode destructor is called, the attached AlCurve is deleted.
You should always create a curve node for a curve. If you create a curve with no curve node, the curve is not added to the
universe. If you should lose the pointer to the curve, it will become lost memory.
There is one limitation to this class: you cannot add or remove individual curve control points (except by changing multiplicity).
Curves are made of curve control points (or CVs) which you can traverse as a list by using AlCurve::firstCV() plus the AlCurveCV
methods. You can also pack the curve information into an array using methods in this class.
What is multiplicity?
An AlCurveCV object can actually represent multiple CVs, depending on the AlCurveCVs multiplicity and periodicity. Notice
that in this class there are two sets of methods - some "InclMultiples" and some not (namely "numberOfCVs", "CVsWorldPosition",
"CVsUnaffectedPosition", etc). The set of methods without multiplicity lets you get all curve CV’s where a curve CV can have
multiplicity of 1, 2 or 3. The set of methods "InclMultiples" lets you get ALL curve CVs including multiples due to a multiplicity
> 1 and due to periodicity.
Example 1
If you create a curve in the interactive Alias package with 4 CVs and change the multiplicity of the second CV to 2 (using the "multiplicity" menu item in the Curve Tools
menu), then:
- numberOfCVs() will return 4.
- CVsWorldPosition must be passed a 4x4 CVs matrix, and a multiplicity vector of length 4.
- CVsUnaffectedPosition() must be passed the same as item 2.
- setCVsUnaffectedPosition() must be passed the same as item 2.
- numberOfCVsInclMultiples() will return 5.
- CVsWorldPositionInclMultiples() must be passed a 5x4 CVs matrix. You will notice that the 2nd and 3rd points in this matrix
are the same.
- CVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples() must be passed the same as item 6. You will notice that the 2nd and 3rd points in this
matrix are the same.
- setCVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples() must be passed the same as item 6. The matrix you pass in should have the 2nd and
3rd points the same. What really happens in this method is that the 3rd point is given the same value as the 2nd point. (What
you give as the 3rd point is ignored.)
Example 2
If you create a curve in the interactive Alias package with 4 CVs and "close" the curve (using the "close" menu item in the Object Tools menu), you create a periodic curve.
- numberOfCVs() will return 4.
- CVsWorldPosition must be passed a 4x4 CVs matrix, and a multiplicity vector of length 4.
- CVsUnaffectedPosition() must be passed the same as item 2.
- setCVsUnaffectedPosition() must be passed the same as item 2.
- numberOfCVsInclMultiples() will return 7.
- CVsWorldPositionInclMultiples() must be passed a 7x4 CVs matrix. You will notice that in this matrix the 5th, 6th and 7th
points are the same as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd points respectively.
- CVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples() must be passed the same as item 6. You will notice that in this matrix the 5th, 6th and
7th points are the same as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd points respectively.
- setCVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples() must be passed the same as item 6. The matrix you pass in should have the 5th, 6th
and 7th points the same as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd points respectively. What really happens in this method is that the 5th, 6th
and 7th points are assigned the same values as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd points respectively. (What you give for the 5th, 6th and
7th points are ignored.)
Constructs an AlCurve wrapper object.
Deletes an AlCurve wrapper object.
AlObject *AlCurve::copyWrapper() const
Returns an exact copy of the AlCurve wrapper.
statusCode AlCurve::deleteObject()
Deletes the AlCurve.
Return Codes
sSuccess - the curve was deleted
sInvalidObject - the curve was invalid
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
AlObjectType AlCurve::type() const
Returns the class identifier kCurveType.
AlCurveNode* AlCurve::curveNode() const
Returns the curve node associated with this curve. Returns NULL if there is no attached curve node.
curveFormType AlCurve::form() const
When a curve is periodic it means that its endpoints are coincident and that the curve is tangent continuous at the point
where its endpoints touch. "kPeriodic" is returned in this case. "kClosed" is returned if the curve is not periodic, but if
its endpoints are coincident. If a curve is neither "kPeriodic" nor "kClosed" then "kOpen" is returned. (Note: If you use
the "close" menu item in the interactive Alias package, you actually make a curve periodic.)
int AlCurve::degree() const
Returns the degree of the curve. -1 is returned if the curve is not valid.
int AlCurve::numberOfSpans() const
Returns the number of spans in the curve. -1 is returned if the curve is not valid.
int AlCurve::numberOfCVs() const
Returns the number of CVs. -1 is returned if the curve is not valid.
AlCurveCV* AlCurve::firstCV() const
Returns a pointer to the first CV in the curve.
AlCurveCV* AlCurve::getCV( int index ) const
Returns a pointer to the CV of the given index. Returns NULL if the CV could not be found or the index was negative. The index
of the first CV is 0.
AlAttributes* AlCurve::firstAttribute() const
Returns the first attribute on this curve if any, otherwise NULL is returned. Note that if CV positions are modified through
any of the AlCurve, AlCurveCV, AlCluster, AlSet, and so on, then the attributes are removed from the curve.
statusCode AlCurve::CVsWorldPosition( double CVList[][4], int multiplicity[] ) const
Returns the CVs in the given CV array and the multiplicity of each CV in the multiplicity vector. The first dimension of the
CV array must be numberOfCVs(). The length of the multiplicity vector must also be numberOfCVs(). The multiplicity vector
returned by this function is the same as the one returned by CVsUnaffectedPosition().
> CVList - returned CV positions
> multiplicity - the multiplicity of each CV
Return Codes
sSuccess - the curve CVs positions were returned
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sFailure - an error occurred
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
statusCode AlCurve::CVsAffectedPosition( const AlTM& tm, double CVList[][4], int multiplicity[] ) const
Returns the CVs in the given CV array and the multiplicity of each CV in the multiplicity vector. The first dimension of the
CV array must be numberOfCVs(). The length of the multiplicity vector must also be numberOfCVs(). The multiplicity vector
returned by this function is the same as the one returned by CVsUnaffectedPosition().
< tm - the transformation matrix built by transversing the DAG
> CVList - returned CV positions
> multiplicity - the multiplicity of each CV
Return Codes
sSuccess - the curve CVs positions were returned
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sFailure - an error occurred
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
statusCode AlCurve::CVsUnaffectedPosition( double CVList[][4],int multiplicity[] ) const
Returns the CVs in the given CV array and the multiplicity of each CV in the multiplicity vector. The first dimension of the
CV array must be numberOfCVs(). The length of the multiplicity vector must also be numberOfCVs(). The multiplicity vector
returned by this function is the same as the one returned by CVsWorldPosition().
> CVList - returned CV positions
> multiplicity - the multiplicity of each CV
Return Codes
sSuccess - the curve CVs positions were returned
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::doUpdates( boolean newState )
statusCode AlCurve::setCVsUnaffectedPosition( const double CVList[][4] )
Sets the CVs of this curve to the values in the given CV array. The first dimension of the CV array must be numberOfCVs().
< CVList - CV positions
Return Codes
sSuccess - the curve CVs positions were set
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::eval(double t, boolean worldCoordinates, double P[3], double dP[3] ) const
Determines the 3D coordinate and the derivative of the parameter value on the curve.
< t - parameter position on the curve
< worldCoordinates - the evaluation is done in world coordinates
> P - the local position on the curve (if not NULL)
> dP - the derivative of the curve at t (if not NULL)
Return Codes
sSuccess - the coordinate was successfully determined
sFailure - the evaluation failed
sInvalidObject - the curve was invalid
statusCode AlCurve::eval( double dist, double P[3], double &t, boolean worldCoordinates, double tolerance ) const
Determines 3D coordinates of a point at a given distance from the start of a curve. Error tolerance must be greater than zero.
< dist - arc length position on the curve
> P - position of the point on the curve
> t - parameter position on the curve
< worldCoordinates - the evaluation is done in world coordinates
< tolerance - the error tolerance
Return Codes
sSuccess - the coordinate was successfully determined
sFailure - the evaluation failed
sInvalidObject - the curve was invalid
sInvalidArgument - tolerance was non-positive
int AlCurve::numberOfKnots() const
Returns the number of knots in this curve. For more information as to what this number means, see the description for the
create() method. -1 is returned if the curve is not valid.
statusCode AlCurve::knotVector( double knotVector[]) const
Returns the knot vector in the given vector. This vector must be of length numberOfKnots(). For more information as to what
these values mean, see the description for the create() method.
> knotVector - returned knot vector
Return Codes
sSuccess - the knot vector was returned
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
statusCode AlCurve::setKnotVector( const double knotVector[] )
Sets the knot vector to be the given vector. This vector must be of length numberOfKnots(). For more information as to what
these values mean, see the description for the create() method.
< knotVector - the knot vector to be the given vector
Return Codes
sSuccess - the knot vector was set
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied or the knots were not in increasing order
int AlCurve::numberOfCVsInclMultiples() const
Returns the number of CVs, including multiples. For more information on what this value means, see the AlCurve class documentation. -1 is returned if the curve is not valid.
statusCode AlCurve::CVsWorldPositionInclMultiples( double CVList[][4] ) const
Returns the world positions of all CVs in this curve, including multiples. The first dimension of the given CVList must be
of length numberOfCVsInclMultiples().
Note that the positions returned are [ x y z w ] and not [ w*x w*y w*z w ].
> CVList - the world positions of all CVs
Return Codes
sSuccess - the CVs positions were returned
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::CVsAffectedPositionInclMultiples( const AlTM& tm, double CVList[][4] ) const
Returns the world positions of all CVs in this curve, including multiples. The first dimension of the given CVList must be
of length numberOfCVsInclMultiples().
Note that the positions returned are [ x y z w ] and not [ w*x w*y w*z w ].
< tm - the transformation matrix built by traversing the DAG
> CVList - returned world positions of all CVs
Return Codes
sSuccess - the CVs positions were returned
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
statusCode AlCurve::CVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples( double CVList[][4] ) const
Returns the unaffected positions of all CVs in this curve, including multiples. The first dimension of the given CVList must
be of length numberOfCVsInclMultiples().
> CVList - returned unaffected positions of all CVs
Return Codes
sSuccess - the CVs positions were returned
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::setCVsUnaffectedPositionInclMultiples( const double CVList[][4] )
Sets the unaffected positions of all CVs in this curve, including multiples. The first dimension of the given CVList must
be of length numberOfCVsInclMultiples(). You cannot give multiples different values. For example, if you have an open curve
where numOfCVs() is 6 and numOfCVsInclMultiples() is 7 because the 2nd point has a multiplicity of 2, then the 2nd and 3rd
quadruple in your CVList should be the same. What really happens is that the 3rd point is given the same value as the 2nd
point. (What you give as the 3rd point is ignored). For more information see the examples in the class description.
< CVList - the unaffected positions of all CVs
Return Codes
sSuccess - the CVs positions were set
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sFailure - an error occurred
boolean AlCurve::isDisplayModeSet( AlDisplayModeType mode ) const
Returns TRUE if the specified display mode is toggled on for the curve. Returns FALSE otherwise.
The only valid AlDisplayModeTypes for an AlCurve are:
< mode - display mode of interest
Return Values
FALSE is returned if the curve is not Valid.
statusCode AlCurve::setDisplayMode( AlDisplayModeType mode, boolean on_or_off)
For the given display mode, if the flag on_or_off is TRUE then the display mode for the surface is set, otherwise it is unset.
The only valid AlDisplayModeTypes for an AlCurve are:
< mode - display mode of interest
< on_or_off - boolean deciding if this surface will have the display mode set
Return Codes
sSuccess - operation was successful
sInvalidObject - the curve was invalid sInvalidArgument - invalid display type
statusCode AlCurve::create( int deg, curveFormType form, int numKnots, const double knotVector[], int numControlPts, const
double controlPoint[][4], const int multiplicity[])
Creates the geometric data that represents this curve.
Briefly, Alias curves are represented by an array of knots and an array of control points. (For a detailed understanding of NURBs curves,
see the book "An Introduction to Splines for use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling" by Bartels, Beatty and Barsky,
also known as "The Killer B’s".)
The number of spans in a curve is determined by the degree of the curve and the number of control points: namely, there are
’numControlPts - deg’ spans. Knot values are associated with the ends of each span. Therefore, ’numKnots’ must be equal to
’number of spans + 1’.
The expert will notice that ’numKnots’ = ’number of spans + 1’ does not give us enough knots to specify all the basis functions
properly. (The correct number of knots required, according to the Killer B’s are numSpans + 2*degree + 1). However since Alias piles knots up at the extreme ends of an open nurbs curve (in order to force the curve to touch each end control point) this
method does not require that the user specify the redundant knot values. For example, if the knot vector for a three span
open curve contained the knot values [0 1 2 3], the real knot vector would be [0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 3]. In the case of a periodic
curve the values of the knots can be determined implicitly from the knots values provided and again don’t need to be provided
explicitly. For example, if the knot vector for a four span periodic curve contained the knot values [-1 1 2 5 10], the real
knot vector would be [-10 -9 -6 -1 1 2 5 10 12 13 16].
If this object was previously referencing some other curve, and this call succeeds, this object will reference the new curve.
For more information on multiplicity, see the AlCurve description.
When you create a curve, you must ensure the following:
- Open and closed curves must have at least one span.
- Periodic curves require that there be at least 3 spans.
- ’numKnots’ must be equal to ’number of spans + 1’
- The knot values must be a non-decreasing sequence of values.
- The first and last span must not be vacuous. That is knotVector[0] < knotVector[1] and knotVector[numKnots-2] < knotVector[numKnots-1]
- Any knot multiplicity must not exceed the degree of the curve.
- Periodic curves also require that the number of spans be greater than or equal to the degree of the curve.
- For open/closed curves the number of control points is the number of spans + degree. For example, one span requires four control
- For periodic curves the number of control points is the same as the number of spans. It isn’t necessary to specify any of
the overlapping control points.
- All multiplicity values must be 1, 2 or 3. The first and last multiplicity values must be 1.
< deg - the degree of the curve
< form - kOpen, kClosed or kPeriodic
< numKnots - the number of knots in the knotVector
< knotVector - the sequence of knot values. Must be of length numKnots.
< numControlPts - the number of points in controlPoint
< controlPoint - the array of control points. Must have size of numControlPts * 4.
< multiplicity - the multiplicity values. Must be of length numControlPts. Assumed to be an array of 1’s if NULL.
Return code
sSuccess - data created
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
sInvalidArgument - there are many ways to fail with this return code
- Calling this method from AlFace (which derives from AlCurve) with a form of kOpen
- NULL knot or control point arrays
- Number of spans <= 0 { for a periodic curve, number of spans = number of control points, for open or closed curves, the number
of spans = number of control points - degree
- Number of knots not equal to the number of spans + 1
- Knot vector is not a non-decreasing sequence of values
- Knots that delimit the first and last spans are non -zero, ie. (knotVector[1] - knotVector[0]) and knotVector[numKnots-1]
- knotVector[numKnots-2] are not both zero
- For a closed curve, the first and last control points are not the same
- For a periodic curve, the number of spans is less than 3 { leads to geometrically degenerate curves }
- For a periodic curve, the degree is greater than the number of spans { leads to multiple wrapping of control points }
sFailure - data could not be created
statusCode AlCurve::create( int deg, curveFormType form, const double knotVector[], int numControlPts, const double controlPoint[][4]
Creates the geometric data that represents this curve according to the standard Killer B’s representation.
Note this method’s differences from the other create method. This method assumes that the size of the number of knots passed
in the knot vector is always numControlPts + deg + 1 (or numSpans + 2*deg + 1, if you prefer, where numSpans = numControlPts
- deg). That is, the redundant end knots must be specified.
This method assumes that if this object was previously referencing some other curve, and this call succeeds, this object will
reference the new curve.
For more information on multiplicity, see the AlCurve description.
When you create a curve, you must ensure the following:
- Open and closed curves must have at least one span.
- Periodic curves require that there be at least 3 spans.
- The number of knot values must be equal to ’numControlPts + deg + 1’
- The knot values must be a non-decreasing sequence of values.
- Any knot multiplicity must not exceed the degree of the curve.
- Periodic curves also require that the number of spans be greater than or equal to the degree of the curve.
- For open/closed/periodic curves the number of control points is the number of spans + degree. For example, one span requires
four control points.
- For periodic curves it is necessary to specify the overlapping control points.
< deg - the degree of the curve
< form - kOpen, kClosed or kPeriodic
< knotVector - the sequence of knot values. Must be of length numControlPts + deg + 1.
< numControlPts - the number of points in controlPoint
< controlPoint - the array of control points. Must have size of numControlPts * 4.
Return Codes
sSuccess - data created
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
sInvalidArgument - there are many ways we can fail with this return code
- Calling this method from AlFace (which derives from AlCurve) with a form of kOpen
- NULL knot vector or control point array
- Number of spans <= 0 { number of spans = number of control points - degree }
- The knot vector is not a non-decreasing sequence of values
- For open and closed curves, the knot values bounding the first and last span are different
- For periodic curves, the last degree knots are not specified correctly. If the knots are specified correctly, the following
will be true:
For i = 0 to 2*deg-1 (n = numberSpans)
T[i+1] - T[i] = T[i+n+1] - T[i+n]
- For a closed curve, the first CV is not the same as the last
- For a periodic curve, the number of spans is less than 3
- For a periodic curve, the degree is greater than the number of spans
- For a periodic curve, the first CV is not the same as the last CV
sFailure - data could not be created
Note: The number of knots = number of control points + degree + 1. The size of the knot vector is not passed into this method
so if you don’t specify the array correctly, the method can read past the end of the knot vector.
statusCode AlCurve::createLine( const double start[3], const double end[3] )
Creates a straight line using attributes. This method is simpler than the previous create method, requiring you only to specify
the beginning and end of the curve. To modify the curve you should retrieve its attributes with the firstAttribute() method
and use AlAttribute methods to modify it. Modifying the CVs directly will cause the attributes to be deleted.
< start - the coordinates for the start of the curve
< end - the coordinates for the end of the curve
Return Codes
sSuccess - curve created
sFailure - failed to create the curve
sInvalidArgument - start or end was NULL
sInsufficientMemory - Ran out of memory
statusCode AlCurve::createArc( const double start[3], const double end[3], const double other[3], boolean circle )
Creates a circular arc using attributes. This method is simpler than the previous create method, requiring you only to specify
three points on the curve and whether the curve should be closed to form a circle. To modify the curve you should retrieve
its attributes with the firstAttribute() method and use AlAttribute methods to modify it. Modifying the CVs directly will
cause the attributes to be deleted.
< start - the coordinates for the start of the curve
< end - the coordinates for the end of the curve
< other - an additional point defining the arc
< circle - if TRUE then a circle will be generated
Return Codes
sSuccess - curve created
sFailure - failed to create the curve
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
sAlreadyCreated - the AlCurve has already been created
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
statusCode AlCurve::createArc( double *C, double *N, double *P, double r, double a0, double a1, int dim, boolean make_cubic
Create a circular arc between two angles.
C center
N normal to plane of arc (if 3D)
P point with zero angle
r radius
a0, a1 initial and final angles (in radians)
dim dimension 2 or 3
make_cubic if true, raise degree to 3
If dim = 2, N is ignored.
Point P with zero angle must not be at C.
Returns NULL if arc has no length
a0 < a1 and a1-a0 <= 2*PI.
Returns a full circle if a1-a0 > 2*PI.
To build a arc in the other direction, reverse N.
|a1-a0| <= 2*PI.
If a0 < a1 arc is counter clockwise else arc is clockwise.
Returns a full circle if |a1-a0| > 2*PI.
Return Codes
sInvalidArgument - a bad argument was supplied
sFailure - Failed to create the curve.
sSuccess - All ok.
statusCode AlCurve::createConic( double c_a, double c_b, double c_c, double c_d, double c_e, double c_f, const double start[3],
const double end[3] )
Creates a conic arc using attributes. This method is simpler than the previous create method, requiring users only to specify
the coefficients of the conic and the beginning and end of the curve. The start and end points must lie on the conic.
The conic is described by the equation:
A * X^2 + B * X * Y + C * Y^2 + D * X + E * Y + F = 0
The conic will be created in the XY plane.
It is not possible to modify a conic curve through its attributes.
< c_a through c_f - coefficient of the conic
< start - the coordinates for the start of the curve
< end - the coordinates for the end of the curve
Return Codes
sSuccess - curve created
sFailure - failed to create the curve
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sAlreadyCreated - the AlCurve has already been created
statusCode AlCurve::createParabola( const double vertex[3], const double focus[3], const double start[3], const double end[3]
Creates a parabolic arc using attributes. This method is simpler than the previous create method, requiring users only to
specify the vertex and focus of the parabola and the beginning and end of the curve. The start and end points must lie on
the parabola. The parabola will be created in the XY plane. It is not possible to modify a parabolic curve through its attributes.
< vertex - the vertex of the parabola
< focus - the focus of the parabola
< start - the coordinates for the start of the curve
< end - the coordinates for the end of the curve
Return Codes
sSuccess - curve created
sFailure - failed to create the curve
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sAlreadyCreated - the AlCurve has already been created
statusCode AlCurve::createEllipse( const double center[3], const double major_axis[3], const double minor_axis[3], const double
start[3], const double end[3] )
Creates an elliptical arc using attributes. This method is simpler than the previous create method, requiring users only to
specify the center, major axis, and minor axis of the ellipse and the beginning and end of the curve. The start and end points
must lie on the ellipse and be specified in a counterclockwise order to indicate the arc. The axes must be perpendicular to
each other. When creating an elliptical arc, the axes MUST be specified in the XY plane. It is not possible to modify an elliptical
curve through its attributes. It is not possible to create a closed curve with this method, hence it will always fail for
< center - the center of the ellipse
< major_axis - the direction of the major axis
< minor_axis - the direction of the minor axis
< start - the coordinates for the start of the curve
< end - the coordinates for the end of the curve
Return Codes
sSuccess - curve created
sFailure - failed to create the curve
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sAlreadyCreated - the AlCurve has already been created
statusCode AlCurve::createHyperbola( const double center[3], const double major_axis[3], const double minor_axis[3], const
double start[3], const double end[3] )
Creates a hyperbolic arc using attributes. This method is simpler than the previous create method, requiring users only to
specify the center, major axis, and minor axis of the hyperbola and the beginning and end of the curve. The start and end
points must lie on the ellipse and be specified in a counterclockwise order to indicate the arc. The axes must be perpendicular
to each other. The hyperbola will be created in the XY plane. It is not possible to modify a hyperbolic curve through its
< center - the center of the hyperbola
< major_axis - the focus of the hyperbola
< minor_axis - the focus of the hyperbola
< start - the coordinates for the start of the curve
< end - the coordinates for the end of the curve
Return Codes
sSuccess - curve created
sFailure - failed to create the curve
sInsufficientMemory - ran out of memory
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied
sAlreadyCreated - the AlCurve has already been created
statusCode AlCurve::createPoint( const double pt[3] )
Create a "degenerate curve" with a single CV. The coordinates for this CV are provided by the argument pt[].
The created "curve" will be:
- rational
- open
- degree 1
- span 0
- dimension 3
- knots {0.0}
- cv {pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], 1.0}
< pt - position of the point
Return Codes
sSuccess - the method succeeded
sFailure - Failed to create the point.
sInvalidArgument - a NULL argument was supplied.
sAlreadyCreated - the AlCurve has already been created
int AlCurve::realNumberOfKnots() const
Returns the actual number of knots on the curve. That is uNumberOfSpans() + 2*degree() - 1. (Note that two additional knots
are required to define a NURBS curve, but they have no effect on the curve so are not included in this count.) This method
returns -1 if the curve is not valid.
statusCode AlCurve::realKnotVector( double knotVector[] ) const
Returns realNumberOfKnots() in ’knotVector’ for the curve.
> knotVector - array to place the knot vector into
Return Codes
sSuccess - successfully copied the curve’s knot vector into knotVector
sInvalidArgument - knotVector was NULL
sInvalidObject - the curve was invalid
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::setRealKnotVector( const double knotVector[] )
Sets the knots for this curve. The parameter ’knotVector’ must be of ’realNumberofKnots()’.
< knotVector - array of knots
Return Codes
sSuccess - the knots were successfully set
sInvalidArgument - knotVector was NULL
sInvalidObject - the curve is invalid
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::length(double& len , boolean worldCoordinates, double tolerance )
Determines the length of the curve in either local coordinates or world space coordinates.
> len - the returned length
> worldCoordinates - the calculation is to be done in world space
> tolerance - the error tolerance
Return Codes
sSuccess - the length was successfully determined
sFailure - the evaluation failed
sInvalidObject - the curve was invalid
sInvalidArgument - tolerance was zero or negative
statusCode AlCurve::periodicToNonPeriodic( ) const
If a curve is periodic, converts it to a non-periodic curve (closed curve) by giving it multiple end knots.
Note: This method modifies the curve. It will not succeed for an AlCurve that exists in the AlUniverse; that is, it must not
have a parent AlCurveNode.
Return Codes
sInvalidObject - the curve was invalid
sFailure - the method did not succeed
sSuccess - the curve was converted to a non-periodic one
statusCode AlCurve::normal( double normal[3] ) const
Tests if bspline is planar and returns normal. This method finds the first three points that are not co-linear, constructs
a normal and tests if the bspline lies in the plane. If the bspline is planar and closed the normal is returned with a clockwise
orientation looking down on the plane, and the normal pointing towards you. If the bspline is a line or all the points are
co-linear, a unique normal can not be defined.
> normal - returned normal vector to the bspline
Return Codes
sSuccess - the normal to the curve was found
sFailure - the normal could not be found: the spline is either a point, linear or not planar
statusCode AlCurve::insert( double param )
Inserts an edit point into the curve.
< param - parametric value of the new edit point on the curve
Return Codes
sSuccess - the edit point was successfully inserted
sInvalidObject - the given object is not valid
sInvalidArgument - a parameter is out of bounds
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::append( double pos[4], AlPointType type )
Appends a CV or an edit point to the curve.
< pos - position in world space of the new point
< type - either kCV or kEditPoint
Return Codes
sSuccess - new point was successfully appended
sInvalidObject - the given object is not valid
sInvalidArgument - an invalid argument was supplied
sFailure - an error occurred
statusCode AlCurve::applyIteratorToCVs( AlIterator* iter, int &rc )
Applies the given iterator to all the CVs in this class. See the documentation for AlIterator.
< iter - the iterator to apply to each CV
> rc - the result of the last application of the iterator
Return Codes
sSuccess - the iterator exited normally
sFailure - the iterator exited abnormally
sInvalidArgument - the iterator ’iter’ was NULL
sInvalidObject - the curve was not valid
statusCode AlCurve::reverseCurve()
Reverses the parameterization of the curve.
Return Codes
sInvalidObject - the curve was not a valid object
sSuccess - the curve reversal worked
sFailure - the curve reversal failed for internal reasons
statusCode AlCurve::extendCurve(double knot , double newPos[4])
Extends the curve by one span. The existing spans remain unchanged. The new span has C(k-1) and interpolates the given point.
This curve must have at least 1 span and at least 4 CVs.
< knot - the knot spacing for the new span
< newPos - the position of the new CV
Return Codes
sInvalidObject - the curve was an invalid object
sSuccess - extending the spline worked
sFailure - the curve had less than 1 span, curve had less than 4 CVs, or could not extend the spline because of an internal
statusCode AlCurve::incrementDegree()
Increments the degree of a curve without changing its shape. The curve must have at least 1 span.
Return Codes
sInvalidObject - the curve is not a valid object
sSuccess - raising the degree of the curve worked
sFailure - the number of spans was less than 1, or there was an internal failure
statusCode AlCurve::adjustEndSpan( double newKnotSpan )
Changes the knot spacing of the last span of the curve, leaving the remainder of the curve unchanged. The end point of the
last span is preserved.
< double newKnotSpan - the knot spacing for the end span
Return Codes
sInvalidObject - the curve is an invalid object
sSuccess - the method worked
sFailure - the curve did not have at least one span. The method failed to adjust the end span.
statusCode AlCurve::trimCurve( double param0, double param1 )
Trims the curve at the specified parameters. param0 and param1 are the min and max points. This routine fails if param0 and
param1 are the same or if param0 is greater than param1.
< param0 - the minimum position along the curve where the curve is to be trimmed
< param1 - the maximum position along the curve where the curve is to be trimmed
Return Codes
sInvalidObject - the curve was not a valid object
sSuccess - the method worked
sFailure - the routine failed. Either param0 equals param1, param0 > param1, or there was an internal failure.